Chapter Seven

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They decided to visit the technical class attraction first after Phil nearly lost his shit when he saw it. His reaction caused PJ to snicker behind long fingers and Dan and Michelle to roll their eyes.

"What the actual heck?!" Phil exclaimed, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. His eyes widened to saucers and he could feel the breath knocked out of him, gaping with such shot that he's surprised he didn't actually wee himself. "How in the ever living crap did the technical class fit an entire amusement park on the academy grounds?!"

"They're the technical class, loser," Michelle scoffed. She flicked a piece of brown hair over her shoulder as she got a tube of strawberry flavoured chapstick from her purse. "They can basically do anything, even if it means fitting an amusement park within the school gates." She pursed her lips as she applied the chapstick and Phil found himself watching as she did so. He became hyperaware of how chapped his own lips were and resisted the temptation to lick them.

Right in front of them was a large amusement park, the smell of funnel cakes and candy floss overtaking his senses. The noise of screaming students filled their ears as they rode on one of the roller coasters, small enough to still fit on the academy grounds, yet still big enough to give them some sort of thrill. Phil was absolutely amazed and there was excitement filling his bones at how awesome his school was.

"We need to go on the roller coaster," he demanded much like a small child. All he needed was to stomp his foot and he would look exactly like a complaining kid. "It's something I need to do for science."

"For science," PJ snorted. "Right."

They continued on anyways, entering through the gates that read 'Holiday World' in large script. Phil held back his gasps of awe, instead keeping quiet as Dan led them through the crowds of people. There were dozens of small shops, students selling the items that they made, many items that were quite unusual to find in normal shops outside of the academy. Phil saw a person selling living dolls, ones that waved at people as they walked up and made conversation as if they had a mind of their own. According to the sign on the shop, the doll connected to the person's soul based on their personality and became their lifelong friend. Another person was selling a hair accessory that straightened your hair just by touching it to your head, and vice versa.

"These are amazing, aren't they?" Phil breathed out.

"It's nothing unusual," Dan replied flatly. "You get used to it."

Phil puffed out his cheeks, trying to hold himself back from snapping at Dan. His belly rumbled and he reminded himself that he hadn't eaten since that morning. Considering the amount of food surrounding them, he's surprised that he even lasted that long. "We should eat, I'm starved!"

"Go get something, then."

PJ glared at Dan's dismissive tone but it lacked the hardness of real anger. "Come on, Phil, I'll go with you." But he wasn't looking at him, instead staring at Dan with almost a challenging expression that made Phil's head hurt with confusion. He almost felt like a confused pokemon because of it.

Phil turned his face to watch Dan's expression, noting the way his jaw hardened and his lips pressed together in a line. He seemed as if he was clenching his teeth. "I'll go as well then, I guess."

Peej's own expression changed completely, a look of wonder coming over his teasing gaze. His mouth fell slack and he muttered something under his breath that made Dan's cheeks turn a weirdly red colour. Phil wasn't positive but it sounded somewhat like he had said, "I thought that might be the case," which didn't really make sense but he didn't question it.

His stomach growled again. "Are you guys coming or not? I'm about to eat a freaking horse."

The rest of the group agreed and they made their way over to one of the funnel cake stands, Phil fawning over the different flavours like he'd never seen them before. There was an oreo one, a reese's one, even a birthday cake one, and Phil felt like he would explode from the variety of choices. He ended up getting the oreo funnel cake, moaning into his bite with an exaggerated voice. "This is like heaven," he sighed, ignoring the looks from his companions as he ravished the entire thing.

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