Chapter 1

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Percy POV
I was at my mom's house, trying to build up my courage to knock on the door. I hadn't seen her since Hera kidnapped me, 8 months ago and I can't imagine that she'd be too pleased about me going missing for 6 months.

Knock Knock

Wearing an apron covered in flour and blue food colouring, my mother answered the door. 'Percy!' she exclaimed, engulfing me in a bone crushing hug.

When we broke apart, she immediately started ranting on about how worried she was and how I didn't call her once to let her know I was okay and how irresponsible it was of me to get myself kidnapped.

As if that was MY fault.

'I know, I know, I'm really sorry for scaring you mom. Can I come inside?' I asked.
'Of course honey.'

The apartment they lived in hadn't really changed much while I was gone. Same furniture, same pictures, same grape juice stain on the carpet.

'Paul. Paul. PAUL! Come down here! Percy's here!' she shouted.

After another round of hugs I explained to my parents about what happened in the war and about how I fell into... the pit, only to be bombarded with more hugs from a certain sobbing mom.

When we had all calmed down my mother said, 'Actually Percy, there's something I need to tell you too. I've been keeping a secret from you for a long time and I talked to Chiron and he thinks that it's time you know.

You already know about your dad's side of the family, but there is another world that you don't know about. My world. Have you heard of Wizards?'

'You mean those old men in pointy hats who wave around sticks shouting "Abracadabra!", "Alacazam", "Hocus Pocus!", "Bipity Bop-"'

'Yes, Percy, those. Except we aren't all old men, we don't wear pointy hats and those aren't real spells.' She said.

I was confused. "we"? What did she mean by "we"?

My mother could probably tell that I wasn't keeping up so she sighed.

'Wizards are real, Percy, and I am a witch, the word for a female wizard. I grew up in Scotland and went to a wizarding school, called Hogwarts.

When I finished school, there was an evil wizard in the UK who killed all muggles (the wizard name for mortals) and he killed the Wizards and Witches who were born from muggles. He thought only the pure blood Wizards (the Wizards born from 2 wizard parents who come from a long line of Wizards and Witches) should live and rule.

So I fled to New York and left the wizarding world behind. I didn't leave England because I was scared and I didn't want to be killed, I left because I'm a pureblood wizard. The evil man I told you about was trying to recruit me onto his side and I was done with that world so I decided to have a normal muggle life, that was normal, until I met your father and had you. And you Percy, are a wizard. The first Demiwizard to be born for half a century.' My mom finished.

I was shocked.

What sane person would name a school "Hogwarts"? I thought.

'I was shocked too when your mother first told me. Half God and a wizard. You sure do have a lot on your plate Percy.' Paul added.

'Chiron wants you to go and talk to him at camp. He thinks that it's time you go to Hogwarts.' Mom said

'Why didn't you tell me sooner, why tell me now?' I asked.

'Same reason why I didn't tell you that you were a demigod until you were 12. I didn't want you to leave me. Hogwarts is a boarding school so you would have to stay year round at Hogwarts. But, seeing as how you just went missing and left me FOR 8 MONTHS, I think that going to Hogwarts would be better for you.' She replied.

'But I was supposed to have a normal, peaceful year this year, living with you and going to school with my wise girl. I had it all planned out. Me and Annabeth would graduate from Goode an then go to college at New Rome!' I whined.

'Percy listen to yourself. When has your life ever been normal and peaceful?' Paul tried to explain.

He was right.

The fates must really hate me.

So, I said my goodbyes, hugged my mom and Paul and left for camp.

This part has 835 words.

So how was it? This is the first story I've ever written so I'm sorry if it was terrible.

Also, I'm British so I tried my best to make Percy and Sally and Paul sound American so far.

If you have any spelling or grammar corrections, I'm more than happy for you to correct them and also, tell me how the chapter was overall. Too robotic? Too repetitive?

Thanks for reading. I'll try to post the next chapter up soon.

Percy Jackson goes to HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now