Meet My Friends

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She looked down at her sketches and smiled softly at the monsters she has drawn she still doesn't know why they put her in here. She didn't do anything to them she just told them how she felt. She told them that she likes her new friends they were confused she smiled cause even if they didn't let her leave she would make friends with the monsters in her head. They were her best friends. Then they got scared and sent her here. She doesn't like it here it's small and cramped and they give her stuff that made her friends go away for a while. They try to get rid of them permanently so they can send me back, but she won't let them. He friends are telling her there plan to get her to be with them. She has all the things she needs so she decided to go and be with them today. She turned on her tv, and wrote a note to the nice people here that said "Good bye I'm going to be with my friends now." She smiled and grabbed the sleeping pills they gave her took a hand full and swallowed them. She smiled , and laid down on the bed and waited to see her friends. Her eyes closed and she smiled seeing one of her friends. "Hi Mr. Man in Red, are my friends here?" She asked he nodded and she stopped breathing her eyes closed with a smile on her face. She was with her friends forever now.

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