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Chat finally dared to ask. "Is there anyone special that took your heart?"

Marinette looked up from her plate, with a weird look planted on her face.

"I-I don't think so, why?" she lied, not sure what do say. Chat shook his head and started eating again. They washed the dishes after they finished and headed to her room.

"Do you think you can transform back, already?" Marinette asked, when she sat down in her spinning chair.

"I can try," she nodded and turned around. No matter how much she wanted to know who he is, she didn't want to know either.

She was scared.

"Plagg, claws in," Chat said, but nothing happened.

"No, it's been only two days, Chat," Tikki flew up. "Master Fu said at least a week,"

Chat nodded, not knowing what to do.

"Hey girl, where are your pare...-" Alya opened her door, without knocking. When she saw the black cat she stopped on her tracks.

"I can explain," both of them said at the same time. Alya looked at both of them with confusion.

"I don't care who, I just want to know why is there a superhero in my best friend's room?" Alya said, looking from one to another.

"Chat got injured!" "Marinette needed help with fixing her computer," both of them exclaimed at the same time again.

Alya knew they were both lying.

"Chat Noir doesn't have any injury as far as I'm concerned and your computer is working fine," Alya crossed her arms on her chest.

Marinette and Chat looked at each other in desparation, but none of them knew what to do.

"Now please tell me the truth?" Marinette didn't have any excuses, except one. She couldn't say her partner couldn't transform back.

"Fine. Just don't freak out," Marinette said, sighing. Alya nodded and leaned on the wall.

"I'm waiting," she said.

"Wait you're actually going to tell her the truth?" Chat looked at her shocked.

"I don't have a choice. She would know if I'm lying," she said, nodding to Chat.

"Fine, but I'm going out if she starts yelling," the boy said and Marinette chuckled a little.

She looked at Alya. "Chat and I are dating,"

The ombre and the blond teen nearly fell unconscious. The blond was the worst. Marinette looked at him and shrugged.

"Y-You two a-are dating?" Alya stuttered and Marinette nodded. "How long?"

"It's going to be one week soon," the blunette said.

Alya still had dry mouth.

"Thanks for telling me," she said with sarcasm clear in her voice.

"No problem," she shrugged. "And if you post anything on LadyBlog I will single handedly strangle you. Have I ever told you, you're my best friend?"

Chat just decided to go to Marinette and hugged her around the waist, pulling her closer.

"So that explains why you weren't there when akuma attacked," Alya exclaimed. "You were visiting your girlfriend,"

"Not really. I was actually sick then," he said.

Marinette decided to wrap her arm around his waist too, so it would look more believable.

"Oh my god!" Alya said. "So you know who he is behind the mask!"

Marinette decided not to roll her eyes. "Yes, Alya. I do,"

Chat looked at her, waiting for explanation. She really was good at lying.

"Can you tell me?" both of the love birds looked at her with a dead glare. "Okay, nevermind,"

"I'm going to go," Chat said.

Chat turned to Marinette. "I'll be back by 9 p.m." he wispered in her ear, so Alya couldn't hear.

"Where are you going?" she wispered back.

"I don't know. I need to get out a little," he wispered again, before turning in the way that Alya could see and pressed a kiss on Marinette's cheek.

Marinette was kind of shocked, but smiled at him anyway.

"It was nice to offically meet you, Alya!" he said, before running off.

"I hate him," she muttered. Now she had to deal with Alya alone.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Alya exclaimed as the trapdoor closed. Before Marinette could say something she was interrupted again. "Nevermind. Tell me how it is between you two! How is it to date a superhero?!"

Marinette opened her mouth again to speak, but was cut off by Alya again. "No but seriously, did he ever take you to the Eiffel Tower at midnight and how did you find out his identity?"

Alya was about to say something again, but this time was Marinette's time to say something. "It's okay. It's not much different from another person, exept from sneaking behind you without sound, and no he didn't take me to the Eiffel Tower..-" "Yet," Alya said. "...-yet. And it was actually an accident,"

Marinette had to lie about everything. She didn't like it, though. She hated lying to her best friend.


Meanwhile, Chat was sitting on the edge of the Love Lock, looking at the river. A lot of people went past him, some talking to him. They started noticing him after he got sick.

After a while, he got tired and started walking towards wherever he was heading when a hand on his shoulder stopped him. He turned around and saw someone he never in a million years wanted to meet.

Chien Marron.

"Hi," Chat wanted to keep his cool.

"Nice too meet you, pussy boy," his tone wasn't really nice.

"Call me that again if you dare, petit puppy," his voice got darker too.

"Cats and dogs don't go well together. I guess, we don't either?" Chien said.

"I guess we don't," Chat shrugged.

They were just looking at each other for some time, when Chat had enough. "If I throw a stick, will you leave?"

Chien looked suprised. "I guess, you can come with comebacks too. Just so you know, they are worse than your cat puns,"

"If you think you're so hiss-terical, why don't you come up with some dog puns,"

Chien didn't say anything, he just stood there, with an angry expression.

"I'd give you a nasty look, but I see you already have one," Chat saw an oppurtunity and took it.

"Don't think I don't know about that little secret of yours," he smiled.

"I usually don't have secrets," Chat shrugged. "I just have this one," he showed at his suit. "and I don't think you'll figure it anytime soon,"

"Oh, sorry. My mistake," he said with sarcasm in his voice.

"If you really want to know about mistakes, you should ask your parents!" Chat yelled. (I added this, because you messed it up sorry my fault!)

With that he left him speechless on the bridge.



*spoilers ahead*

I hated the ending tho. I know what was gonna happen because of the cartoon, but it's still sad. I cried and I was so thankful only me and my best friend were in the room(yes we were alone!!!!!!), crying our eyes out 😂😂

Till next time ;)

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