Chapter 12

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          -A few weeks before Warped ends-

I woke up to my phone ringing. I sat up and grabbed my glasses, putting them on. I grabbed my phone and answered it.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Goodmorning, baby." I heard Johnnie say.
"Goodnorning." I said.
He's been a little distant lately so I'm excited to hear his voice.
"Bryan told me to remind you that you have to be at Main Stage at 4 and that you have an interview on your bus after that. And he said don't forget the part at 6." He said and hung up.
I sighed and put my phone in my lap. I looked at the time. It was 9 in the morning. Meaning Catering is over. I got up and went to take a shower. I got out and went to my closet. I pulled out black skinny jeans, a black over-sized sweater, a black beanie, and black Vans. I got dressed. I fixed my makeup and put my contacts in. I left the bus and just walked around. A few hours later, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Johnnie.
'Get to Main Stage.' He sent.
I didn't message back. I just went to Main Stage. The crew got me and my band ready to go on. We walked on stage. When they were ready, I started singing 'Say'. After that, I sang 'Someday'.
I was looking for Johnnie but he wasn't there. Everyone else was, though. Next was 'Little Game'. Then, I sang 'Dollhouse'. I was watching Bryan's reaction. He cried.
I sang 'Take A Bow'. I sang 'Battle Scars'. My last song was 'Goodbye'.
I didn't even say anything. I just got off stage. I ran to my bus, locking the door. I went to the bathroom, locking the door. I sat on the floor. I pulled my sleeve up, grabbed my razor, and started cutting. The tears wouldn't stop. Thoughts kept swirling in my brain. The main thought was,' Why is Johnnie being so distant?' What could I have done to make this happen?
I heard a knock on the door of the bus but I ignored it. The knock came again but I still ignored it.
"Emory, it's me. It's Damon." I heard Damon say.
I cleaned up my wrist and pulled my sleeve down. I walked out of the bathroom and to the door.
"Are you alone?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said.
"Promise?" I asked.
"Yes, Emory." He said.
I opened the door and let him in, closing and locking the door behind him. I sat on the couch and he sat beside me.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing." I said.
"You can't lie to me. I know when you lie. Just tell me the truth." He said. I looked down.
"Johnnie has been being so distant and I don't know why." I said.
"Have you seen his Twitter? What the fans have been tweeting him?" Damon asked.
"No." I said.
He pulled out his phone and went to Johnnie's Twitter. He handed me his phone to look through the tweets.
'@JohnnieGuilbert why are you with @EmoryStars? What happened to Kohnnie?'
'@JohnnieGuilbert we want Kohnnie back.'
'@JohnnieGuilbert I hope you know, nobody likes Emory and you're going to lose fans over this. #Kohnnie'
'@JohnnieGuilbert, Emory is not worth losing fans over. Besides, she comes from a messed up family. She'll be a drug addict and alcoholic just like them. #Kohnnie'
Every single tweet said something about Kohnnie. There were even tweets of Johnnie and Kyle flirting like crazy. I couldn't stop the tears from rushing.
"I-I need some fresh air." I said and got up.
"I'll come with you." Damon said.
"No. I want to be alone." I said.
I left the bus and just started walking around. After a few minutes, I knew what I needed to do. I went to the YouTubers bus. Johnnie wasn't there. But Bryan told me where to find him. I walked off to Main Stage. Johnnie was sitting on the edge of the stage, alone, looking down. I walked over and sat by him. It was silent for a while.
"How did you find me?" Johnnie asked.
"Bryan told me." I said.
"Of course." He sighed.
"Why have you been avoiding me?"I asked.
"I haven't." He said.
"Yes, you have. You can't even lie about that. When's the last time you talked to me without Bryan asking you to?" I said.
He didn't say anything.
"Sorry." He said.
"Do you like him?" I asked, looking down.
"Who?" He asked.
"Kyle. Do you like Kyle?" I asked.
"No." He said. I didn't say anything. "Why are you asking?" He asked.
"Well, you've been avoiding me and you seem to enjoy flirting with him." I said.
"You've seen Twitter." He said.
"Yeah." I said.
"That's just for the fans, Emory. I promise you I don't like him. I like you. Only you. Hell, I love you." He said, finally looking at me.
He looked rough. He had dark circles under his eyes and his eyes were bloodshot and puffy.
"How am I supposed to believe that, Johnnie?" I asked.
"I swear on my life, Emory. I'm only flirting with Kyle for the fans. It's all fake." He said, trying desperately to get me to believe him while tears were rushing down his face.
"Then, maybe you should give the fans what they want." I said, crying.
"What are you saying?" He asked.
"I'm saying be with Kyle. It's what the fans want. They want me out of the picture. I'm just going to be a drug addict and alcoholic like my mom anyways. You deserve better than that. I'm saying make your fans happy. Don't lose them just because of me." I said.
"Em-" I cut him off.
"I'm saying we're over." I said.
"No. Please no. Emory, don't do this." He said.
"I'm sorry, Johnnie." I said.
I got up and walked away. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Johnnie means the world to me. But I won't let him lose fans just because of me.
I walked onto my bus and locked the door behind me. I laid on the couch and cried.
I kept getting calls and texts from Johnnie, Bryan, Damon, Alex, Jason, Cyr, Kate, Jeydon, Austin, Jordan, dad, and Kyle. I ignored the calls but read the messages.

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