Let's Be Friends

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He smiled as he laid down on his bed he looked over at the nightstand where there was a picture of his brother before the accident. He wasn't sure why he decided to take over his shift at his workwhere the accident happened. He had only a few hours till his shift started so he decided to rest till then cause they will give him food before he goes to actually work. 

*Time Skip*

He walked out after he eating so he could change into his uniform because his brothers didn't fit him. He got changed and went to the back to do the job he was assigned. When he went and opened the door. He looked inside and looked at the old kids room with stuffed animals, toys, and chairs. His job was to clean the room up so they could make it into a storage room. He got  a trash bag and started to pick up the toys and stuffed animals. They had a giant teddy bare that looked like a panda. He decided to pick that one up last because it was so big he threw away the other toys and walked into the room. The door closed and the lights turned off and he started to panic he heard a noise from the other side he looked over there and saw two small lights flashing that he thought in a panic that they were eyes. He felt a fuzzy substance wrap around him he heard a voice it was a light little boys voice he thought it sounded like before the hand went over his mouth and it said "Lets be friends....FOREVER!" The hand tightly covered his mouth and nose causing him to no be able to breath his eyes started to close and he felt his heart start to stop. The lights turned on and he fell to the ground the panda type toy on top of him and before his eyes closed he saw its eyes glow and it whispered "You'll be my best friend....."

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