Victoire Karlene- "Pick Up A Vampire"

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Victoire Karlene- "Pick Up A Vampire"

3rd Person

She was on her way to the bar, honestly just a bad day. She had to distract herself- from the humanity that she wasn't in- and get through the night. Both on a mission and just for a drink.

Hopefully I can pick up a vampire, Victoire thought. She parked in the bar parking lot and puffed some perfume on herself. She looked in the mirror so she can look as attractive as possible. What would she be if she wasn't attractive?

She was the daughter of the most popular vampire. Dracula himself. But of course all wonderful fairytale come to an end. The story's are all fake, Dracula was horrible, that's why he had abandoned her at 13. Leaving her with the hate for everything and everyone.

She was about to get out the car when her phone rang. Her friend Simone decided to call.

"Victoire we have a mission." He said, sounding scared, with a hint of confidence in his voice.

Victoire sighed, "what is it?"

"You have to go undercover, as a regular student," Simone answered with tense in his voice. "And just kill Elijah Mickaelson."

"Ok, doesn't seem to hard. I mean, I'll just have to finish the mission I'm on!" She yelled. She growled, as she heard a sigh on the other end of the line.

"Ok, just don't kill yourself before the next mission. Remember The Vampire Hunter doesn't die." Simone encouraged Victoire.

He soon hung up leaving a angry vampire on the other end. She stayed in the car thinking about what her fake name will be. After all, she was known- famous actually- to all vampires. Her appearance was never caught, she had powers.

Shapeshifter was only one of them. Right now, she looked like a teenage problem starter. She had a black hoodie on with white hair, and red lipstick. She fixed her hair and opened the car door. She walked out with the boys smoking outside being dumbfounded in her appearance.

She smiled at them. Her mission was simply to catch Victor Canstel. Then a name popped up in her head. Teddy Castnella, she thought. She nodded and went in the bar.

She went to the counter and asked for a beer. Some man sat next to her. She looked up and saw it was Victor Canstel. She smirked and spun her chair looking at him. He did the same looking at her.

"So, what are you here for?" The vampire asked. Victoire smirked.

"Just, problems." She answered. He turned towards the man, ordering 2 drinks. Both for him and her.

He passed a drink to Victoire, "so what's your name?"

"Teddy. Yours?"

"Victor. Victor Canstel." She nodded and he just chuckled a bit. She summoned the White Oak Stake behind her back. Victoire made them both invisible without him noticing. She stabbed him with the stake and he turned to dust.

Victoire walked out still invisible and got in her car. She took her phone out her pocket and called Simone.

"Simone, I need to figure out where the school is." She said. She heard running on the other line.

"Woodland High School. Oh and just wear all black, no shapeshifting and definitely zero reveal your true self." Simone said giving Victoire a lesson.

She hung up, and drove to her house.

She made it to her house-safe- and opened the door.

She immediately made her way to the fridge. Victoire looked in her fridge and saw blood bags. She took one and drank it, leaving a line of blood down her chin.

She walked out her house and went in the woods. She jumped up and she was on top of the tree.

She looked down and saw a target. Niklaus Mickaelson. Victoire heard of him in books, the legendary original. She too was an original but no one knew.

She held all the powers, legendary better than anyone. But she had to slay the out of order ones.

She jumped down from the tree-behind Niklaus- and stabbed him with the  White Oak Stake.

He screamed and fell on his stomach. He tried getting the stake but failed. Victoire heard crunching. She jumped back in the tree and watched as someone stepped to the body, and sobbed.

A smirk plastered on her face, she jumped down and took the White Oak Stake. Taking a glimpse of the person face, she identified it as a male.

He tried following her, but Victoire was simply to fast. She ran into her house, and leaned against the door.

"Simply too easy." She mumbled to herself. She went to her bathroom and changed, to night clothes and went to back to her room.

The vampire laid on her bed, when she got a text.

Simone- 3 weeks 2 kill him

TVS-Got it

If you read this, thanks.

I know my other books are a fail, but hopefully this isn't.

I want to thank my bestie for giving me and idea.

sleeping_with_Alex thanks for helping me

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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