Part 13: Truth

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Chapter may mention abuse, suicide, self-harm, and/or eating disorders. Read at your own risk.*

Jacob's POV

I run into the house, trailing after Sabrina as she tries to run away from me. She starts to go down the hallway towards her bedroom and fasten my pace, gently grabbing a hold of her wrist.

"Sabrina, I know this whole situation is messed up, but we need to talk about it," I tell her. She scoffs and then know that this going escalate more quickly than I'm ready for.

"There's nothing to talk about. I'm just simply a fat and disgusting teenager who-"

"Stop! Please, stop criticizing yourself and please just realize that no matter how you see yourself, I will never see that. No one does. All everyone sees is a beautiful, caring and smart girl. But no one sees this dark side of you, the dark side of you thinking this way about yourself that tears me to shreds knowing I let you get this far and basically hate yourself. Please tell me about this. Tell me what set you off the edge so I won't be constantly worried about you and what you're going to do next," I beg her, tears brimming the edge of my eyes.

"I just- I need to be alone right now. Please understand, Jacob," she tells me, breaking out of my grip and going towards her bedroom. I hear her turn to look back at me but I'm already heading towards the washroom so she can't see the tears streaming down my face.

Sabrina's POV

After what feels like hours, I finally make a deal with myself. I will not cry. Crying shows weakness, and I'm not weak. I'm strong. I have to be to make it through this.

I walk past Kat and Jacob as they are chatting in the hallways and I keep my head down, afraid of what they may do to me now.

"You're so ugly," Kat shouts at me with a chuckle. I look over at her and as quickly as the words came out of her mouth, they appear in thin air and I'm suddenly thrown at the lockers, though I remain my balance.

"She's such a dork."

"She's a nobody."

The awful words keep appearing I'm being thrown in all directions, feeling hurt physically and mentally as the words imprint in my brain and bring me to my knees, literally.

I hear footsteps coming towards me as I sit limp on the ground, leaning weakly against the lockers. I gain the courage to look up and see Kat and Jacob standing in front of me, a blade in Kat's hand.

"Use it now. Bleed."

I take it from her hands and put it into my pocket, looking back down at my hands that are now empty. Kat roughly sets another in my hands and I look up, making eye contact with her.

"Now, Sabrina."

I look over at Jacob and shakily take in a breath, feeling unsure of what to do. He kneels in front of me and stares at me intently.

"I thought you said you cared. Do you want me to use this?" I ask him hesitantly.

"I don't care. You mean nothing to me."

I wake up breathing heavily and quickly sit up. I look around me and see I'm in my bed and come to the conclusion I fell asleep a few hours ago in here. I look at the time on my phone and see it's just after 9:30pm. I feel the need to get a glass of water and just incase people are sleeping, I quietly exit my room.

As I am walking down the stairs, I see Jacob sitting in the living room across from his parents. I hear quiet chatter and I stay silent, trying to listen to what they are saying.

"Mom, dad, I'm really worried about Sabrina. There's something that I think I need to tell you," he says to them, taking a shaky breath. No freaking way.

"Sabrina has an issue, and I really think you should know that she is-" I walk down the stairs, making sure my footsteps are loud enough that they all look over at me.

"Walking down the stairs!" He says, finishing his sentence.

"Oh, you woke up! Jacob was just telling us something, and maybe you can help him now that you're hear," his mom suggests. I smirk at Jacob.

"Uh- well I-I don't think it's that important," he stammers.

"I insist," his mom says. He looks over at me nervously.

"Well um... she uh..." he trails off. I feel my anger starting to rise as I know he was about to betray my trust. I figure that if someone is going to tell my story, it might as well be me.

"I have an eating disorder! Are you satisfied now, Jacob? Are you happy that I'm finally telling someone? You know what, let's just tell the entire story, because if someone is going to say it, it better damn well be me.
It all started when Jacob dated someone else while dating me named Kat, and they eventually started to bully me. How funny, right? They started a hashtag insinuating that I was fat, and now that stupid image is stuck in my head! I know deep down I'm not fat, but I can't help the fact that the hashtag has nearly 1000 posts about it! I didn't even think people cares that much about making me feel so awful about myself! So now, I've gained the habit of not eating and it's made me develop an eating disorder. Thanks, Jacob. I really appreciate having to say all of this stuff that makes me feel so ashamed."

For a few moments, everyone is silent. I feel my anxiety building up, questioning what his parents or going to do or say. Jacob's mom readjusts her position and clears her throat, taking a moment before speaking.

"Sabrina, we can help you with this. We can get someone-"

"See? This is why I didn't want you guys to know! I don't want help! This isn't something I'm exactly proud of, and I don't want to make a big deal out of it!" I say. Once again, everyone goes silent. I take this opportunity to go upstairs and back into my room where I don't have to feel anyone's disappointed eyes linger upon me.

Ugh, I've got bad writers block now! Any ideas? If you have any, just comment away! Love you guys!

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