Chapter 1 : The Patient

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"Doctor, his condition got worse."  Said a nurse in the doctor's office.

"There's nothing we can do about it, his condition was beyond being cured. I knew he's gonna die, but I didn't think it'd be this soon." The Doctor replied.

"Should we tell-" The nurse tries to ask but was cut off.

"No, at least not yet. Give it time." The Doctor replied. The two sighed and they both go and do their paper works.

Room 304, that's the room where The Patient is located. He has been there for a few months now, battling a disease, that will inevitably kill him. No one told him his gonna die, but he knows that it's just a matter of time before he will meet his death.

"What's the point of all this. If I'm about to die anyway, then they should just get it over with." The Patient muttered to himself.

He was visited by the doctor, and he immediately asks if he's gonna die.

"That's not something I could tell you. The tests are no--"


"I'm sorry, but we are unsure." The Doctor said and he left the room.

The Patient is frustrated, he knows he's gonna die, yet he can't accept it. And without the confirmation from the doctors, he can't be sure about his demise. Instead of thinking too deeply about his condition, he just goes to sleep.

During his sleep, he hears a faint drum beat. He slowly opens his eyes, and to his shock, he is in another place, face to face with someone.

"Well, well, you're awake." The man said.

The Patient is still in shock and he stands up and steps back slowly.

"I-Impossible. Y-you are-" The Patient muttered.

"You are correct." Another man replied.

Suddenly there were a lot of people and they started to move closer to the patient. The man in the lead stepped up and welcomed The Patient.

"Welcome, to the Black Parade."

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