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"When did this happen?" Frank asked as he walked in, brushing his fingers over the big dent in the drywall.

Gerard weakly coughed before he spoke, spitting out a little blood on the floor. "Today..." he rasped, shifting so he was at least sitting up.

Frank finally walked far enough into the room to be able to see Gerard, the redhead's position of sitting on the floor and leaning against the couch mostly hiding him from view.

"Oh my god! Fucking hell, Gee--what happened? Who did this to you? Why didn't you call an ambulance or something?" Frank rambled, rushing over to him. He lightly ran his thumb across the indigo bruises along his jaw, Gerard wincing and shying away from his gentle touch.

"I didn't want to involve police..." he mumbled, painfully groaning when he shifted position again.

"But, Gee... Don't you want justice on the person who did this to you?" Frank asked softly, tenderly brushing the hair off Gerard's forehead.

"It doesn't matter to me..." the redhead weakly replied, pushing off the couch and trying to stand up. He wobbled back, heavily leaning against the arm of the couch.

"You need to go to the hospital... Come on, we're going," Frank said firmly, not willing to let Gerard risk his life just because he didn't want to deal with questionings from nurses and maybe the police.

"I don't want to go to the hospital," Gerard protested, trying again to stand on his feet.

"Gee, please... You can't even walk," Frank tried again, becoming more and more worried the longer the redhead delayed.

"Yes, I can. And my answer is still no," Gerard replied firmly, taking a few halting steps before he leaned back against the wall.

"Fuck, Gee, listen to me, please. You're badly bruised and you probably have a concussion and maybe even internal  bleeding... I can't risk you dying," Frank pleaded, Gerard just shaking his head.

"I'm not going to the hospital," Gerard stubbornly replied, taking a few more wobbly steps.

"Listen to me," Frank begged, stepping so he was in front of Gerard. He looked directly into his beautiful hazel eyes, grasping his hand before he spoke again. "You're hurt, Gee, and I don't know how to make you better. Only a hospital can do that, so that's where we have to go. I can't let you die, Gee, it's already killing me to see you hurting like this..."

"I'm not going to die, Frankie," Gerard disregarded his concern, deeming it irrational.

"You don't know that! Please, Gee, I can't lose you!" Frank replied desperately, Gerard's expression softening.

"You're not going to lose me, Frankie... It's just a few bruises, I've been through worse," Gerard said comfortingly, squeezing the tattooed man's hand.

"Gee, please go to the hospital..." Frank begged one last time, his eyes large and pleading. "I love you too much to let you risk your life like this, please..."

"You--what?" Gerard stuttered, repeatedly blinking as he stood dumbfounded.

"Oh God, Gee, I love you so fucking much, I just never knew how to tell you... I can't lose you, Gee, I need you in my life. Please come to the hospital with me," Frank said softly, tenderly brushing the hair out of Gerard's eyes.

"I, um, alright," Gerard mumbled in reply, still a little baffled. "Frankie, I feel--"

"You don't have to say it back, especially not now. Let's just get you to the hospital," Frank said gently, pressing a soft kiss to Gerard's forehead.

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