jersey - blake griffin

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for chrispaaul

Today was the first-and last-time Siman would ever go on a blind date.

Her friends convinced her that she needed to move on from her longtime ex-boyfriend. They said they found the 'perfect' match for her, so she agreed. His name was Myles, they said, and he was very rich, very successful, and very attractive.

Now, sitting in the passenger's seat of his sports car after being picked up from her house and conversing with each other, Siman hoped he was her perfect match.

Myles towered over Siman, yet he never rubbed off as intimidating. His teeth shone perfectly white when he smiled, and the corners of his eyes crinkled in a friendly way when doing so. He smelled like vanilla and a hint of cocoa butter. Everything about him was inviting to Siman.

Inviting, up until the moment he opened his mouth and spoke for longer than three seconds.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"A Clippers game," he replied curtly.

Her eyes lit up happily. "As in, like, Blake Griffin and Chris Paul?"

"No, like Kobe and D'Angelo Russell." He rolled his eyes and chuckled at her reaction. "Chill, girl. I'm kidding."

Myles glanced over at her outfit and frowned, realizing her getup was all black. "But here, just throw this on," he muttered, tossing her a white jersey in the backseat that was one size too large.

That was the last of their conversation, until they reached the parking lot of Staples Center. Meanwhile, Siman glanced around his car. There was a large Rolex watch on his arm, a pair of Jordan's in the back, expensive cologne in the cupholder, and several more branded items that made it painfully obvious Myles was well-off.

She tuned out the terrible rap music blasting through his speakers-at least Myles sounded good rapping along. Once they parked and he opened the door up for her, he reluctantly offered his arm. They walked hand-in-hand, all the way down to the courtside seats Myles bought.

"Some of the best seats in the arena," he announced, as if it wasn't already apparent he was swimming in riches.

After Siman's initial awe of being in such close presence to NBA players faded away, an uncomfortable silence settled over the two. Frustration began bubbling over when she noticed Myles on his phone, not even bothering to talk with her.

"So, what do you like to do in your free time?" Siman desperately grasped for some kind of conversation-starter.

He shrugged, barely making eye contact before gluing his eyes back on his phone. "I don't know. I go to strip clubs sometimes. That's something fun, I guess."

Siman waited for Myles to crack a smile and say, Just kidding! No such reaction came about, leading her to realize he was completely serious.

"Oh." She cleared her throat. "Uh, cool. I...I write in my free time. Sometimes, I watch Netflix."

"Well, that's boring. Netflix, no chill?"

"I haven't had a boyfriend in over a year, so no."

"Seriously, Siman?" Myles chuckled condescendingly, as if talking to a ten year-old. "You don't need a boyfriend for it. Ever heard of one night stands? I do it all the time."

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