Stiles Stilinski

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You may think that this is one of those romantic shit stories where the prince in tricot is running around trying to fight for this cute little princess who's waiting for him high up in the castle...well it's not. Let me take this from the start. My name is Stiles Stilinski. Yeah, you read it right. Stiles Stilinski. I could tell you my real name, but lets keep it the way it is.

I basically live with my dad in one of Beacon Hills' biggest streets. Mom? Yeah I don't have one. Well I did have one, but she's been gone for a really long time. She died when I was little, she had a brain disease. Nothing to talk about really.

I'm seventeen so, like any other of you i spend half of my fucking time at school. At least I've got my best friend there with me, Scott. I wish that everyone could have a friend like Scott. Seriously, he's the best. You know, he's that kind of guy that you can talk with about anything and everything. I usually have ups and downs like any teenager, and when I do, he's always there to support and help me through it.

Now you're probably wondering "when is he going to mention his girlfriend?" huh, well i don't have one of that catagory either. There's aways been one girl. Red hair, big pink lips, green eyes & she smells like a mixture of strawbarries and a dusin of roses. Her name's Lydia, Lydia Martin. She's one of these big families only daughter thing, you know? The ones who gets whatever they want whenever they want it just because the parents could't manage to pop out another child. People calls her the biggest bitch in town and don't get me wrong she's a bitch. But there's something with her that makes her so much more. If you just know witch buttoms you should press she can be really nice. I actually went out with her once. Yeah! ME. She actually went out with me. But the night didn't really live up to the expectations. I can say one thing, that night ended with me standing at the dance floor alone watching Lydia and some creepy guy making out. Well, she's history now. I...I don't really find a interest in girls anymore to be honest. To be fair I've never had...exept for Lydia though.

Yeah yeah, you've probably already figured it out, I'm gay. NO, no no, don't stop reading, this isn't a coming out story, well it kinda is. But stay here, okay? You probably understand how hard it is to come out to people, or not..whatever, My dad took i- Oh man I wish my dad took it well. I mean, it's all good now, but when I first told him..Jesus Christ I've never seen him so angry and dissapointed. He just kept going on about that it was just a phase and he asked those stupid questions like if I was gay just because I didn't have a female role model in my life, yeah, he meant mom. And he just wouldn't shut up about it all. It's been two years since I told him and he finally starts to give it in. Scott on the other hand..I havent told him yet. It's so much harder to tell someone you don't even know what you'll do if you lose them. If you really think about it, no one needs to know shit about anyones sexuallity or choosen lifestyle, but somehow it feels like I owe it to him.

Okay, I'll stop babbling..lets just get in to it.  

Writer message: Hello guys! Here's a short sneak peak of my new story. The firts part will be out tomorrow. HUGS AND KISSES/ Bella

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2016 ⏰

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