xii; accusations hurt

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xii; accusations hurt

small warning that there's swearing in this chapter

"You know people find it inspiring when someone says they walked away from the bottle for something." Benji finally said from across the table he was at, stirring his coffee repeatedly with a spoon, looking tired with the bags under his eyes. "No one finds it inspiring when they hear you ever became very serious with a needle or a bottle of pills.

Phil shifted on the chair, leaning back into the wood after a moment. It was uncomfortable in Benji's small warehouse, one of various safe houses they had around in London. "Drugs are kind of illicit, Benji, so if you're marching around saying you've done heroin--"

Benji bristled at the accusation, and slammed his fist down on the table. "You know I haven't!" He yelled, loud, "Why the fuckin' hell would I do the drug that my mother died from? 'S not something to joke about, you complete ass.

Phil's lips turned down at the corners, eyebrows pulling together, and he glanced away. "I wasn't accusing you, Ben, you're my best friend." He muttered, and bit down on the side of his cheek, "But, if we're complaining, I saw the girl again." Then he let his eyes flutter closed. "I know who she is now, can you believe it? I've got the identity of her, we can take 'er out in broad daylight now." 

"So, uh, got any names?" Benji finally mumbled, and rubbed his hands on his knees nervously, earning Phil's small smile. 

"Hayley Karter."

Then there was a pause, and Benji stood up and spun around. "So, have we figured out your creepy obsession with your neighbour yet?" He finally asked, and Phil's face flushed slightly on his cheeks, before he shook his head.

"Ben, honestly,  there's something different about him." The black haired man pointed out, and snatched Benji's cup of coffee, sipping it.

"You tried to kill him." The blonde pointed out smoothly, and Phil shrugged.

"I think he's dangerous too. Too curious about the Devil and too curious about me."


holy frikin shiz

im sick

and i got bored


there's this small asf chapter

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