Foul loathsome evil little cockroach, anyone?

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 Another upload! I really am on a roll here... mind you I can't say I'll be this good at updating over the hols as I'm spendning time with my cousin - but hopefully I'll write some before I go! :P I liked writing this chapter - more banter to come! :D If you want more, comment and vote guys, it motivates me, not gonna lie! :Pxoxox

             The castle was eerily quiet as the two students made their way up to their common room, Hermione entering the common room through the portrait entrance before Malfoy. “Nice arse,” said Malfoy, who earned himself a slap from Hermione in saying so. He tried defending himself, “Hey, if I’m your friend then aren’t I allowed to pay you a compliment?” Hermione rolled her eyes.

            “There’s a fine line and you crossed it,” she pointed out. “Speaking of our friendship... Harry and Ron aren’t going to take it all too well-“

            “Save it Granger, don’t you worry. I won’t be getting all chummy with you in front of the Gryffindor crew. I’ll save it for when we’re alone,” he whispered, as his brushed his lips past her ear. The moment was ruined as he sprinted past her in a desperate bid to reach the bathroom first, and Hermione realised his seductiveness had all been a ploy to distract her, and she sprinted after him, with him being only a second ahead. They arrived there at the same time, each with a hand on the doorknob staring stubbornly at the other.

            “Move, Granger,” said Malfoy. “I want a shower. I’m all covered in mud.”

            “Oh isn’t that funny,” Hermione retorted sarcastically. “So am I. And mealworms, can I just add, due to someone throwing them at me. I need a shower too. Besides, what happened to ladies first?”

            “You’re a feminist, right, Granger?” Malfoy enquired, and Hermione nodded, curious to see where this was leading.

            “I guess you could say that. Although, not in the bra-burning sense,” she added.

            Malfoy nodded thoughtfully. “Good to know,” he winked, and Hermione rolled her eyes. “Would you agree with me that if you support a movement, for example, equal rights for men and women, you cannot exercise old custom such as preferential gender treatment, when it suits you?” He enquired, looking sly.

            “Yes,” said Hermione. “I agree, you can’t pick and choose points of view.”

            “Exactly! Therefore you have no more claim to this bathroom than I do!” Exclaimed Malfoy triumphantly. Hermione bit her tongue, realising that she’d just dug herself a grave.

            “But,” Hermione retorted, “Can I point out, that I may not have anymore more of a claim to it than you, but I certainly have an equal claim. You’ve not won this argument yet, Malfoy. Don’t get too cocky,” she quipped.

            “Hermione I really need a wee. Unless you would like to watch me, right here, and right now, relieve myself against this door, I suggest you let me in the bathroom,” Malfoy said, pulling a face that was similar to that of a puppy dog. Hermione wrinkled her nose in disgust.

            “Eww gross, Malfoy, I didn’t need to know that. Fine, go to the loo, and then we’ll continue this argument,” she said, stepping away from the door. Malfoy darted inside, and before closing the door, popped his head round.

            “Only kidding, Granger, I don’t need the loo!” He smiled a wicked smile, causing Hermione to shriek in rage and hammer on the door.

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