Chapter One: Cal

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First Martha, then Mary, Alice, Ann, Wilmot, Margaret, Samuel and last but not least; me.

The crowd of around a dozen was deadly silent. Most were relieved that the 'evil witch bitches' who had been tormenting the town were dead, but they were still respectful enough not to boo us like they had on our wagon ride here.

Others were heartbroken, and had just witnessed their wives, mothers, and sisters being hung. But they had come anyways. For reasons I couldn't fathom.

Poor Martha's husband Giles, had died three days ago, a horrible death at that. At least she wasn't left behind.

I was surprisingly calm for someone facing death. But after all the pain and suffering I was ready. This was my escape. And I knew the brothers wouldn't be there to save me this time.

My only regret as I walked up the creaky wooden stairs and onto the platform facing the crowd, was that I never got to say my goodbyes to the only two people I still cared for, and that I had strung them along for so long. I had been selfish in not choosing one over the other. But now I wouldn't have to. I could just leave all this behind.

My calm, serene expression unnerved the crowd. 'Anyone unafraid of death is in cahoots with the devil' is the way these people thought.

I closed my eyes as a noose was fastened around my neck.

In a few moments I would be dead. And hopefully Salem would go back to normal, though that seemed unlikely after the events of the past year.

When I stepped forward, and off of the platform, my neck snapped, and Salem was rid of the only witch it had ever actually had.

Cordelia woke up from the nightmare with a start, sitting bolt upright. Her trembling hand reached into the dark for the lamp she knew was on her bedside table.

Cordelia's eyes took in the room she'd had since birth, from the vintage clothes strung around the room, to the picture of her parents and her on their family trip to Disneyland when she was eight. This room was normal, and real. That nightmare, however deatailed, and frightening was not, she told herself.

Cordelia put a hand to her heart, that was beating a million milles a minute, so hard it felt like it could burst out of her chest at any given moment.

After a few moments, Cordelia felt something jump into her lap, and looked down to see her tabbycat, Buffy. "Hey girl." She smiled affectionately, rubbing the back of her ear, earning a purr. She scooped the dumb cat up in her arms, and kissed her head. Cordelia only put the poor cat down, when she had calmed down enough and the cat started meowing impatiently.

Cordelia released the cat, who ran off to who knows where, and looked over at her cell to check the time. 5:16.

Earlier than she liked to get up, but she couldn't fall back asleep even if she wanted to.

So she got out of bed, leaving her disturbing nightmare behind to start her day.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Cordelia pulled up to Willow Creek High School, and parked her 2008 Ford SUV in the first available parking spot. Despite being a bit...old, the SUV was her baby, and her sixteenth birthday present from her parents.

Her best friends Kendra and Ethan were waiting for her, leaned against Ethan's prius. You could say what you wanted to about the SUV, but when it came down to it she was reliable.

Kendra almost knocked her over when Cordelia got out of the car, the first time she hugged her, she actually did knock her over, but thankfully after being friends with her for seven years, Cordelia had gotten somewhat used to Kendra's bear hugs.

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