I'm Not Okay (I Promise) Chapter 7.

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Chapter 7.


I sat on the couch, glancing at my phone every 5 minutes. Still no text from Eli.

I sighed. He probably picked Brianna. Yep. He picked her. I just know it.

The front door opened, and I turned around to see my dad walking in.

"Hey Dad!" I said, pulling the blanket off my lap and standing up.

"Hey! How was your day?" he asked.

I laughed. "Ehh, okay I guess. Pretty boring around here though."

"I bet." he set his breifcase down on the table and walked over to the coffee maker. "Did you have company, or did you actually drink this much coffee?" he asked, looking up at me.

"Oh, my new friend Averielle came over. The one I told you about yesterday. She stayed home too, because of everything going on at school, and I told her to come over for a little bit. She left about an hour ago."

He nodded. "Ahh."

"So how was your day at work?" I asked. "And why are you home so early?"

"Well, I get to come home early every Tuesday from now on." he said, sipping his coffee. I swear, that was all my family ever drank.

"That's awesome!"

He nodded. "What time does Mom get home?" he asked.

"She should be home any minute now." I replied.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot." he set down his coffee and walked over to his breifcase. "You're gonna be excited about this one. I stopped my your school and picked up you homework." he handed me about 5 papers, one of which was a big list of things to read. Luckily I had brought home all of my books yesterday.

"Oh cool. Thanks Dad." I said sarcastically.

He laughed. "Well look at it this way, if I wouldn't have gotten it, then you would have had twice as much homework tomorrow night."

"True." I replied. "Well, I'm gonna go get started on this. Let me know when Mom gets home."

"Alright." he said.

I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom, plugging in my iPod and turning it up to 30. I sat down at my desk, sighing. I really did hate homework.


I walked into my house, quietly slipping my boots off and hanging my jacket up. I peeked into the livingroom, where Jake was watching TV.

"How was school?" I asked.

He turned around to look at me. "You know, school is school."

"Anything exciting happen?"

"Nope." he said.

I sighed. "Are Mom and Dad home?"

He pointed upstairs. Great.

I walked through the kitchen and upstairs. Both of their doors were shut, but both of their voices came quietly from behind my mom's door.

I softly leaned up against the door, hearing the whispers, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

I walked over to my bedroom, unlocking the door and walking in, shutting it behind me. I immediately turned on my stereo. If I kept hearing the whispers I would just want to know what they were saying more.

I sat in the chair next to my stereo, looking at my phone. Nothing. As usual.

I sighed, pulling my sketch book out from under the chair and grabbing a pencil from the table next to me.

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