Cliff Hangers Make Bad Chapter Endings

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"Very good, Iero..." Mr Way's voice was quiet and soft as he praised my line reading.

Fridays were becoming unbearable. It didn't matter what we focussed on; physicality, voice, line learning, I always felt like there was an unspoken tension between us. I definitely knew he behaved differently compared to when it was just a free or a lesson.

In lessons, I was reminded that he was my teacher. He would focus on everyone, not just me.

During frees, we spent the time talking about random crap like movies and comic books and music. I thought that maybe he felt comfortable around me which was why we had hour long talks about anything. I was getting to know him really well.

But Fridays were different. On Fridays, he was a different person entirely. I wasn't sure if he was just that passionate about acting or what but there was certainly a change in the atmosphere every time we started to work.

He liked to look at physicality more than was probably needed and he always made me get into the neutral stance at the beginning of each session. Of course, he never failed to redirect my body in some way by using his hands to guide me.

I felt like you could cut the sexual tension with a knife or maybe that was just me. Yeah, it was just me.

Mr Way walked closer to me so he was standing less than half a metre away. "I know you're still utilising your own voice but I like how you've made Adam a separate entity from yourself. Very good work."

It was stupid but I loved it when he praised me. It just fuelled my daydreams and apparently yes, I did want my teacher to fuck me and then commend me for it. That was the sort of thing he would do.

"Thanks, Sir." I hadn't realised how quiet my own voice had gone as well. I guess it had been taken away in the moment. Jeez, this sounded like some shitty romance novel. Without the romance.

Mr Way moved closer and began to circle me. He liked to do that at least once a session and I had no idea why. It felt like he was stalking his prey or just looking me up and down. Either way, I felt exposed.

"Have you read the play yet?" He asked.

He had given me a full copy of it a week ago and honestly, I had read the majority of it already. To be honest, at this moment, I was accepting that I was a total teacher's pet.

"Nearly finished it." I said.

"And how's the essay coming along? It's due on Monday." He stopped behind me.

Oh, fuck, I'd forgotten about the essay. So much for being a self-diagnosed teacher's pet.

"I forgot." I admitted, "I haven't started it yet." At least I had the weekend.

I heard him tut slowly before saying, "You've had two weeks, Iero." He started walking round again until he was in front of me.

"I know. I just forgot, sorry."

He stared at me for a moment, processing something in his mind. "I don't have to punish you now, do I?" He raised an eyebrow.

Before I could will myself to form any sort of reply, he smirked at himself and turned, walking towards the desk.

He had to stop doing that. It wasn't fair.

"Frank, you've come a long way from just reading the lines." He faced me again, leaning back against the desk.

"Not without your help, Sir." God, I was a total kiss-ass.

He smiled and stayed quiet.

Was I supposed to leave now or...? Usually, he said something like, 'see you next week'.

Even though the silence wasn't awkward, I felt a little uncomfortable. Okay, maybe I should leave then.

I began to move from my spot.

I didn't expect him to suddenly say, "Did I say relax, Iero?"

I stopped. "Uh no..."

"Well?" He stood up properly.

Biting my lip, I returned to the neutral stance. What was happening? This wasn't normal.

Mr Way came over to me again. "You really need to work on this." He whispered as he placed a hand on my back and one on my chest to push my shoulders back a little.

I stayed silent and watched him watch his hands. He slowly moved them until they were both resting on my shoulders and he squeezed them lightly.

He sighed contently. I wasn't too sure what to do but I didn't not like what he was doing.

"I knew you would do Adam's part justice. Your group will be very pleased." He finally looked at my face again.

"Thanks, Sir..." My voice was barely audible.

His eyebrows furrowed together slightly and he bit his lip. Oh, man, he needed to stop doing that expression before I started thinking stupidly again.

He moaned lightly and whispered, "This is becoming an arduous task, Iero. I'm not sure I can comply anymore."

I frowned at what he said. "What?" Please don't tell me he was saying what I thought he was saying.

He sighed, his hands still on my shoulders. "I am uncertain of your affections towards me..." He looked down for a second before looking at me again, "But I am finding it difficile to stay away from you, Frank."

I knew I was still breathing but it felt like I was choking. Was he saying that he felt the same way?

"Sir, I-"

"No." He cut me off, finally dropping his hands slowly back down to his sides. "This is very unprofessional of me. Please excuse me. I'll see you on Monday."

He backed away before turning and heading for the doors.

No fucking way was I letting him leave now.

"Sir, wait!" I called.

He froze, mid-step, his back towards me.

I quickly caught up to him and stood in front of him, blocking his path. "What you said-"

"Just forget I mentioned anything." He looked so uncomfortable. This was the most exposed I'd ever seen him.

He looked like he was about to dart out of the room so without thinking, I burst out, "I have feelings for you!"

I watched as his eyes widened. "Frank, I-"

"I know it's stupid." Oh, God, here it all came. "But it's true. I think I've liked you since the first day. You're my favourite teacher and a great friend and I have feelings for you. I'm sorry..."

I felt a little embarrassed but as soon as I had said it, I felt so much better. I hadn't realised how much of a weight it had been on my shoulders.

A hand appeared on my shoulder. I looked up to see him smiling sadly at me.

"Please don't apologise." His voice was the quietest I had ever heard it.


"Don't apologise." He was moving closer to me. "Just... Shut the fuck up a moment."

Before I could even realise he had swore, his lips suddenly touched mine and I involuntarily moaned under his mouth.

Fuck fuck fuck.

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