Mr Weasley's injury

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  In the blink of an eye it was the Christmas holidays and I was having regular snowball fights with the twins. I was also having the feeling in my stomach like the one I had before Cedric died and I was worried about what was to come. Would it be good or bad? For now I ignored it because I hadn't got an actual vision yet.

It was a particularly cold night in the holidays and I just came back from another detention from Umbridge for being cause with a Fever Fudge, god this woman! ONE tiny Fever Fudge and you get detention. I walked into the warm common room from the ice cold corridors and saw a red head lying back on the sofa. I walked round so I stood in front of him and checked whether it was Fred or George. Yep, Fred, I could see his small scar on his left eyebrow where he "took on " a garden gnome but George told me it was from when he tripped over at the park. I giggled quietly at the memory of him flirting with me in 3rd year after we became pranking buddies, I slid away the parchment and quill he was holding in his hands, looked like he was making a new order list. I bent over him and gave him a small kiss, he stirred slowly and I backed up. "I think you need to go to bed Freddie." I said softly. He nodded tiredly and kissed my head then walked clumsily up the boys stairs. I walked up to my dorm room taking the list with me because we'd be in trouble if someone found it and turned it in. I got changed and climbed into bed, Angie and the others that stayed over the holiday were already in bed so it must've been late.

I was in a cool, dark, tiled hallway, I looked around but didn't see anyone. I couldn't hear speaking but I could hear a hissing sound that I didn't know the source of. There better not be another bloody Basilisk. I saw something on the floor and on further inspection I saw it was a long green serpent slithering across the floor to a dark door with a large handle. I was moved so I was inside a large, dark room with rows and rows of crystal balls. There was someone in the room searching for something further away with their wand lit up, I looked closer and from the little light that their wand was giving off, they had short ginger hair. He continued to walk slowly as I followed the green snake that followed him, I was anxious about what would happen because the atmosphere was scary. The man turned around and I was that it was Mr Weasley, he looked down and his eyes widened at the sight of the large snake. "Not again." I mumbled to my self as he was knocked onto the floor by the snake. I kept being plunged into darkness and when there was light again I would see Mr Weasley more injured than previously. "No, Stop, stop!" I yelled but the images continued, he was getting seriously injured and was bleeding from his face and hands, or was that just the blood from his face? I had no clue. After one last strike Mr Weasley slumped onto the floor.
~End of dream/vision~

"Arthur!" I whispered/yelled as I bolted up in my bed, I looked around and saw no one had woken up, I must not have been as loud this time. I shot out of bed and ran down the stairs to the common room, I stopped in confusion when I saw McGonagall and Ron helping a sweaty, panting Harry across the room. "Professor?" I said unsure, she was startled when she saw me.
"Oh Miss Black, what are you doing out of bed at this time?" She asked.
"Just going to see Dumbledore about a dream." I said still cautious.
"We were just taking Mr Potter to him, would you please fetch all the Weasley children please dear, then you are to bring them all to Dumbledore's office." She ordered, I nodded and ran back up the girls stairs to fetch Ginny as they lead Harry out of the port hole.

I dragged 3 half asleep Weasleys quickly to Dumbledore's office and when we arrived Harry was explaining his dream. After he finished re telling his dream I know my vision might have just happened. "Professor it wasn't just a dream, I saw the same thing in my vision, Mr Weasley is in trouble." I said quickly. Dumbledore nodded and I took a seat that all the Weasleys were gathered around in their PJ's, the twins were behind it, Ron was next to it and I sat down next to Ginny on the arm and begun to fiddle nervously with the hem of my "In this dream Harry where you standing next to the victim or looking down at the scene?" Dumbledore asked with his back turned from us. "N-neither it was like I wa... Professor will you please tell me what is happening?" Harry asked worriedly.
"Everlart, Arthur is on guard duty tonight, make sure he's found by the right people." Dumbledore told a painting, completely ignoring Harry's question. "Sir."
"Phineas, you must go to your portrait at Grimlauld Place, tell them that Arthur Weasley is gravely injured and his children will be arriving soon by port key." The painting Dumbledore first spoke to returned.
"They've got him Albus, it was close but they think he'll make it, once more the Dark Lord failed to acquire it." The portrait said and Dumbledore looked relieved. "Oh thank god." He said quietly.
"LOOK AT ME!" Harry yelled and startled us all. "What's happening to me?" He pleaded desperately. Everyone was silent until Snape walked in behind Harry. "You wished to see me headmaster?" Snape asked.
"Severus, I'm afraid we can't wait. Not even till the morning." Dumbledore said ominously. Snape nodded and took Harry from the room by his shirt.

All the Weasleys were gathered round some nick-nack Dumbledore turned into a portkey. "Miss Black would you like to join the Weasleys and see of Mr Weasley is okay for yourself." Dumbledore asked before the portkey left.
"Erm sure." I said and took a hold of the portkey just before it left.   

My Weaslebee xxx Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now