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  I sat at my desk working out bills and boring stuff like that whilst Fred went shopping and George was working downstairs. It was the middle of November and we weren't earning a whole lot, we still got loads of customers but we weren't earning as much as we were. It's not like we're almost bankrupt, we just don't have business like usual. Probably because kids have gone back to school and everyone is worried that if they leave their house they will be killed be a Death Eater. Luckily, with Christmas just round the corner, people will be buying gifts for relatives that will earn us more money. God I sound greedy like Scrooge. Another thing about November is that it's cold season. Fred and George already caught the cold, separately, luckily for me, but now it was my turn. I was shivering in my seat even though I had two blankets and a woolly jumper  on.

I worked through the painful headache I had and the drowsiness I felt because we had to pay our rent by Saturday, in two days. My throat was raw from coughing and I was undeniably sick, but I didn't want to admit it because we had so much work to do. I kept nodding off and forgetting where I was on the order sheet. I wasn't, really, in a healthy state to work but I would feel like an inconvenience if I didn't help some how and they just had to take care of me. I did it when I was little too, I would convince Remus that I wasn't sick and that I was perfectly fine to go to school, only to be sent home later that day.

I heard a pop come from the kitchen then a shuffle of bags. "Back Love!" Fred called. I coughed to clear my throat and replied with a croaky. "Hey!" I heard him walk down the hall till he entered the room. "I got you some medicine for your throat, love, and mum gave me something to help with your headache." He said as he sat on the bed and took his shoes off. "I don't need them Fred, I'm perfectly fine." I boasted then ruined it with a chesty cough.
"Anna come on, you're sick, don't ignore it." He said softly.
"I'm not sick." I protested. Our war of 'Yes you are' 'No I'm not' lasted a couple of minutes. "Honestly Fred, I'm fine." I said as I got up from my seat. I tried to walk to the door by my head started pounding and dark spots obscured my vision. My legs gave way and Fred caught me just before I hit the floor. He put the back of his hand on my forehead and checked my temperature. "Babe you're burning up." He said and pulled me onto the bed. He told me to lay down as he took my jumper of to cool me down. "I'll be right back, with something for you to eat, a drink so you can take your medicine, and mum." He said and kissed my boiling head. 

"Wait why do you need your mum?" I asked weakly.
"Because, she's raised seven kids and knows how to deal with colds like yours." He smiled, I gave a small laugh as he left the room. Just like him I was out in a second.

"Anna. Annabelle, sweetheart." Whispered a motherly voice. I rolled over to ignore the person waking me up.

"At least we know she's not dead now, huh Fred." I heard George tease.
"Shut up." I heard Fred mumble in reply.
"I'm not dead and I'm not sick." I said as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. There was a chorus of laughter coming from the room and I winced as it made my head pound even more. "Yes you are Anna. You ran yourself into the ground and drained all your energy, you need rest." Mrs Weasley said from besides my.
"Fine." I mumbles and shuffled further into the quilts.
"Still like primary school." Said Remus, who had been standing silently by the door.
"What brings you here Moony?" I asked huskily.
"Well when Fred turned up and said you were really ill I knew it would be a repeat of what happened when you were ten so I came over to check on you." He said, Fred gave us an odd look and asked what happened when I was ten.
"Basically, I caught this cold and it got really bad but I refused to believe I was ill because there was an end of term school trip coming up and I really wanted to go. I ended up missing the trip because I was so weak and tired I could barely get up and was ill for two weeks." I said guiltily. They all chuckled and left me to rest, including Fred. I burrowed myself deep into my blankets and fell back asleep.  

My Weaslebee xxx Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now