Bad Spy Movie

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^radiator cover in question


"It's Abel boss. I have important news." Abel's voice said in a calm, but slightly alarmed tone.

Dante lowered the gun, looked at me, then opened the door to reveal the brown haired playboy. He looked at Dante, but then uncertainly at me, then back at Dante, which understood what he was trying to say, turning to me.

"I'll be right outside. Don't open the windows and stay put. Yell if you see or need anything"

I just nodded, looking at him close the door behind him and Abel looking in both directions along the hall, really fidgety.

"I have talked with Signora Calabria and she.." The voice faded out as the door clicked, the soundproof room doing its job.

He told me to yell if anything happens, but I doubt he'll hear me from here. I think to myself going towards the TV to grab the remote.

As I reached my hand for the device, something else grabbed me, making my tender ribs scream in pain.

A slender but powerful arm warped itself around my waist, the other muffling the scream of pain and panic making its way up my throat.

I swung my head back, successfully harming my attacker, making him loosen their grip on me.

I grabbed the remote in front of me, chucking it at the man, immediately looking for something else to throw.

I looked around, not seeing anything throwable and then, out of panic, grabbed the flat TV and hurled it in the general direction of the man, not really taking my time to aim, the cord unplugging itself on the way.

I happened to nail him in the chest,winding him and making him stumble to the floor.

The effort made Marco's work on my ribs worse, doubling the pain I already felt.

I looked around,looking for an escape when I noticed an extra wooden radiator cover now discarded on its side by the bed, no radiator uncovered.

I switched my gaze to the assaulter, noticing how small he looked compared to Dante or Leo. No wonder he fit in that shit. This little motherfucker hid in a radiator cover all this time, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

My cheeks flushed slightly as I remembered what I've said to Dante just a couple of minutes ago.

I shook myself mentally, reminding myself that now it's not the time.

The man got up sooner than I expected and he bolted for the window, action which did confuse me, but I didn't wait to debate his life choices, bolting towards the door myself.

The man opened the window where another man was waiting, hanging by a thick black metallic rope.


I turned my eyes towards the door, almost grabbing the doorknob as the same pair of arms dragged me back. Lifting me off the ground as I flailed my arms and feet forward in an attempt to warn Dante on the other side of THE FUCKING SOUNDPROOF DOOR THAT I'M BEING FUCKING KIDNAPPED FOR FUCK'S SAKE DANTE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!

My efforts were fruitless and I just decided to scream my ears off.

"DANTE! YOU LITTLE SHIT! RaaAaAPE! MURDERErrRrR! TAaaAaXES! HELP MUTHAFUCKA HELP! YOU-" I start to yell scary stuff, almost making my own ears bleed, when the slender man passed me over to the burlier one, which put a hand over my mouth, trying to silence me.

As I was dragged back towards the open window, I bit hard on the hand restricting my voice, drawing blood. The man retrieved his hand quickly, slapping me with it. The impact would've made me one with the floor, but the grip his other hand had on my waist held me up.

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