Chapter 55- What Now?

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As soon as sunlight sparkled through the window I got up and got dressed. I had a restless sleep, it wasn't because of Daryl. It was because of the needle.

I sighed and kissed Daryl on the check, he opened his eyes for a second then shut them and returned to dreaming.

I smiled and shut the door behind me as I left. I walked down the creaky steps and walked outside into the fresh cool air. It wasn't really that cold but it gave me chills as I walked over to the camp. I crawled into Jason and Tayler's tent and sat quietly on end of the sleeping bag.

I felt like I was drifting apart from them, meeting all these new people have torn me away from my family, the people I love.

Jason started to stir and I knew he was waking up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, he looked over at me and jumped.

"When did you get here?" He asked groggily

"Just a few minutes ago." I said with a smirk on my face.

He shrugged and laid back down, keeping his eyes open. "Whats the special occasion?" He muttered.

I gave him a confused look and he laughed a tired laugh. "We never see you anymore, youre always off with your boyfriend." He commented.

I scowled and crossed my arms "Jealous?" I said mockingly. He smirked and put his hands underneath his head as if using them as a pillow.

"Why would I be jealous? I'm not gay." He said, trying not to laugh. I didn't really get the humor in his voice but I shrugged it off.

"How's Tayler doing?" I asked quietly.

"Fine I guess, after you left yesterday she woke up and thanked Beth." He said tiredly.

"I'm glad she's okay. When me and Beth went to get the insulin something small happened." I murmured.

He stared at me, waiting for me to inform him of the events. "Well, a man held Beth hostage." I said quickly.

"He threatened to shoot her but she killed him first. He had a group and we ransacked them basically. When we made our get away they came after us, a few of them saw my face. But I just thought I should say that." I explained.

He nodded and looked over at Tayler "It's okay. Don't worry about it, I'm sure they just wanted to know what happened." He said, trying to comfort me.

I nodded and Tayler sat up, looking like she was hit by a bus. "You look like you were hit by a bus." I commented to her.

She grinned and nodded at me "Diddo."

I rolled my eyes and she yawned. "How do you feel?" I asked her quickly.

"Good, thanks for getting that insulin." She said quietly. I nodded and looked at the ground.

"No problem, I'm just glad you're okay." I reassured. She nodded and laid back down beside Jason.

"I'll talk to you guys later, I want to go talk to Rick." I said quickly. "Bye Mariah." Jason said sleepily.

Tayler waved good bye and I waved back. I stepped out of the small tent and walked over to the little campfire.

Glenn, Dale, Lori, Ryan and Rick sat around the petite fire. Ryan and Rick were chatting away like old high school friends.

Ever since Ryan's joined the group Rick's really taken a liking to him as if they were best-friends or something.

I sat down beside Lori and wrapped a comforting arm around her, knowing she must be having a hard time. She smiled weakly and looked over at Ryan, who just threw his head back and howled with laughter.

I scowled at the men and rubbed Lori's back "Whats so funny?" Daryl's sleepy voice asked from behind me.

I jumped and turned around, he was so quiet I didn't even hear him. "Ryan was telling me about the time he took Mariah on a date-" Rick started to say.

I quickly changed the subject to keep it off of me and Ryan. I wanted to forget those memories, the good and bad ones.

"Guys, whats Glenn and Dale arguing about?" I asked pointing over to the two men.

Rick shrugged "I don't know anyways, he took her to-" I interrupted him again.

"It looks important, you should check it out." I said quickly. Rick raised an eyebrow and stared at me.

I smiled and nodded, he shrugged "GLENN!" He yelled to the two men. By now everyone was up and moving around the camp, so they could all hear Glenn and Dale's conversation.

Glenn walked over and stood in front of us, Dale went off to the side and pretended to do something.

I narrowed my eyes and waited for Glenn to say something. He looked towards the house at Maggie then back at us. He took a deep breath and looked towards Dale one last time, Dale nodded and Glenn eyed Rick.

"There are walkers in the barn and Lori's pregnant." He blurted out quickly.

I sat frozen glued to the log I sat on. My hand permanent on Lori's back. I moved my head slowly to look at Daryl.

He was just as shocked as I was, but anger and disgust clouded his judgement.

"What did you just say?" Ryan yelled at Glenn, standing up.

"What do you mean theres walkers in the barn?!" Rick said standing up beside Ryan.

Daryl pulled me to my feet and I moved so we were standing beside each other.

"Let's go." I whispered to Daryl, he nodded and we started to walk towards the barn.

Ryan quickly bolted in front of us, he was clearly disturbed of the thought that walkers are in the barn. I walked up to the door and looked in through the crack. Sure enough walkers stumbled around in the barn.

I stepped a little closer and put my eye against the crack to see how many walkers there were.

The door shook and banged against me, walkers fingers and hands shot threw the cracks.

I screamed from fright, since it caught me off guard. Someone basically yanked me off my feet dragging me behind Ryan and Rick.

I knew it was Daryl there was no point in questioning it. He spun me around and he cupped my face with his hands.

"Did it scratch ya? You okay?" He asked worriedly, I shook my head and looked back towards the barn

"I'm fine, they just scared me." I mumbled hastily.

He nodded and he removed his hands from my face. He returned his face back to his usual expression and we walked over to Ryan and Rick.

"What are we going to do?" I asked, eyeing the barn

"What were going to do? I'll tell you what were going to do!" Ryan shouted. He paused and crossed his arms "We're going to have someone on guard watch the barn every hour until we figure out what happens to the walkers." Ryan announced to the group.

I tilted my head and looked at Rick. His arms were crossed and he seemed to like the idea.

"I'll go talk to Hershel." Rick announced to the group. I walked forwards, towards Rick.

"I'm coming to. I know him better than you do." I reasoned with Rick. He nodded and I turned to Daryl.

"What are you going to do?" I asked him quietly. He looked at me thoughtfully for a moment then looked at the barn of walkers.

"I'm gonna head out and look for Sophia, she must be gettin' close." He said quickly.

"Alright but be careful." I warned. He nodded and I gave him a small soft kiss on the lips.

I pulled away and he walked over towards the stables. "Let's go chat with Hershel." I said walking beside Rick to the old farm house.

That Redneck (Daryl Dixon love story from The walking dead/TWD)Where stories live. Discover now