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Hello Everyone! 

Just wanted to say sorry for everything thats happening and all craziness. Why? because if you've been a Kingdom Hearts fan past 2 days ago Unchained X has just revealed its release and its 2 days away! April 7th am I right?

 Also I am writing a Final Fantasy book called the " Wild Names " go read it because I will be updating lots. Its about the adventures of the brothers and basically follows the speculating story of Final Fantasy XV ( 15 ) Ps. I am also co writing with another FFXV pro. She's written a few story's that are SO GOOD ( Go Follow Her Links to her page will be up on my profile ) 

Also I Am Pleased To Say I Am Now Taking Requests From Everyone! All you have to do is comment or private message me  who you want and if you want an OC of yours include their Name Age and Who you want in the one shot. 

Okay Until Next Time - Puggie

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