Chapter Twenty Seven

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Okay, I'ma need to go back to my updates once every two days. I've been uploading my books daily just because it was the weekend *dies*


(Not edited)


I stared at the ceiling in fear.

Of course I had a nightmare.

I knew I'd have a nightmare.

It was different, it didn't include Mr. Tyrese... it included Brahms. The evil thing from the movie 'The Boy' that I had seen with Nick.

I told him! I knew I'd be scared. I let out a silent, groan, pushing myself up in bed. My heart stopped when I saw a dark item to my right.

I almost screamed before I realized it was my dress hung up. I allowed my breathing to slow down, before putting my hand to my forehead.

I tried to shut my eyes to go back asleep but I knew it wasn't possible. My eyes would flash open and my body would jolt at any sound that came.

Yes, I was scared of the creatures that lurked in the night, fake or not.

I gripped the covers tightly, how the hell do I go asleep? Did I have to stay awake all night in fear?

I hesitated. 

I debated of cleaning the house, thinking that would distract me before realizing that was an idiotic idea. 

Yes, just go around the dark house while an evil doll spies on you.

Stop thinking!!

I pushed myself from the bed. I needed to wash my face, clear my head. I grabbed my jacket, even though my journey was just to the bathroom. 

It wasn't that I was cold, I just... after seeing the movie. I did not feel like being spied on with just a tank top, even if it covered all the necessaries. 

I almost sprinted to the near by bathroom. I turned on the light and closed the door quietly behind me. My eyes examined the room, just to make sure nothing would kill me. When the coast was clear I went and did my business then washed my hands.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Suddenly I panicked, I would see some scary thing over my shoulder. My mind was going wild just because of a horror movie. I turned on the cold water, allowing it to run for a minute.

I quickly splashed some on my face. I re-opened my eyes and let out a relieved breath when no spooky thing popped up in the mirror. I grabbed the towel next to me and wiped my face.

I debated on even having a shower.

My mind flashed to a scene I saw where the girl was in the shower and-

Stop thinking of these things!

Just go back to your room, close your eyes and make it through the night.

Honestly, I'd feel safer if  was tossed into a ring with a tiger. I pulled the door open and screamed a scream that ripped my throat. I jumped back, covering my eyes from the figure.

"Evie?" The voice that came was full of concern and not a doll's squeaky voice.

My body calmed down, but my breath was still raspy. I peeked open my eyes to find a shocked Seth staring at me.

"I- I heard a noise, so I came to check... Are you alright?"

"Uhm... yea" I tried to bring my breathing pace back to normal, "I just...  I'll try be quiet next time. I'm really sorry"

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