Chapter 27

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Ally: Hello beautiful people!

Normani: Hello beautiful person!

Dinah: Hello

Camila: Hi

Lauren: Hola

Y/N: Hi >:(

Ally: Whats wrong

Lauren: :( Are you still mad at me

Y/N: No

Y/N: Its just that...

Dinah: Spit it out cmon

Y/N: Maverick took a big ass shit on my favorite shirt :(

Camila: EWWW were you wearing it?

Y/N: No

Dinah: then how did he do it?

Lauren: It was on the floor wasn't it?

Y/N: Maybe...

Lauren: I told you to pick up your clothes but you didn't listen

Lauren: So that's what you get

Y/N: :(

Ally: Wait!

Ally: Why were you mad at Lauren?

Y/N: It was just a little argument that's all.

Normani: When did this happen?

Y/N: yesterday when she came over

Camila: Oh

Y/N: Yeah

Camila: So what are you girls doing tomorrow?

Dinah: Well me, Normani and Ally only have 2 more days in Miami and I really want to meet Y/N before I leave

Normani: Same

Ally: Yeah me too

Y/N: Well I'm free tomorrow so all of you girls can come over if you want?

Ally: YES

Camila: Y

Camila: E

Camila: S

Lauren: I'm Down

Normani: Yay

Dinah: I'll bring food!

Y/N: I have Netflix and video games so we are good :)

Lauren: I can't wait

Ally: Oh Lolo we know you can't ;)

Lauren: oh be quiet

Ally: no can do

Dinah: SOooo What did your favorite shirt look like?

Y/N: well...


Lauren: :)

Camila: WHAT IS IT?

Lauren: Tell them babe

Y/N: It's embarrassing

Normani: How bad can it be

Y/N: Well I just bought it

Y/N: And wore it a few times

Y/N: And it says Mrs. Jauregui on it...

Ally: OMG

Normani: THATS SO


Dinah: O

Dinah: M

Dinah: G

Lauren: I know its cute right?

Ally: So cute

Camila: Yeah

Y/N: Leave me alone :(

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