An Empty Universe*Most likely

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    Lazarus never realized how big the universe was until she saw it with her own eyes. How vast and expansive it was. How truly empty it was.

    People always talked about how the universe was endless and that we couldn't be alone if it was. Lazarus's own friends said these thing, yet they have never seen these things themselves. It used to drive Lazarus insane. She really wished they were still around to talk to. She wished everyone was still around so she wouldn't be alone in this cold, empty place. If she had just five more minutes.

   ( Okay, first things first! Everything went to udder hell. Everyone and their mothers were bombing each other left and right and that made the Earth a giant ball of nuclear radiation. Boom, everyone is dead*probably. If they aren't, they most likely got kidnaped by the Institution of  A Better Earth*read this tittle in a really sarcastic voice* to be used for god knows what or your a walking pile of rotting flesh with a heavily irradiated brain and a desperate need for a pack of Tic Tacs. It also doesn't help that they all look like they've been doing some massive amounts meth........ Just saying. Anyways, those who survived the whole thing decided "Hey! Why don't we bring the fun to our neighbors in space!" and then the process happened all over again. War, hunger, poverty, theft, and so forth. Blah, blah, blah the stupid humans decide to use their nuclear weapons in space and thus causing the sun to explode which created more radiation and destroying the planets in our solar system and many others who were lucky enough to be next to us. The worst part of it all was that some humans survived. The ever growing parasite of our universe, still kicking like the babies they are. Then the cycle of destruction starts all over again. Only this time the war was so bad, it managed to destroy the milky way and some other galaxies in the process. These stupid humans never stop do they. So, with the universe in shambles-)

    Lazarus stops writing their poor attempt of  The History Of This Worthless Universe: The Musical. She could sense the forgotten coming for her, fast. "SHHHHHHHHHHHHIII-," Lazarus didn't get to finish that sick, awesome word because one of the forgotten had grabbed her from behind and shoved her to the ground. Lazarus thought this things hands felt like a dead lizard was grabbing at her.

"Will you at least take me out on a date first!" Lazarus screeched, kicking at the thing.            

"You dare speak to me, human?" the thing said.

     Lazarus stopped dead. In all the time that the forgotten had been chasing her, never had she heard one of them speak. Lazarus wasn't even sure those things had vocal cords to do it. Lazarus sat there pondering the thought of one of those things trying to sing. She even chuckled at the thought.

"What do you weirdos want this time?" Lazarus asked. They air of the barren planet they were on was starting to freeze. Even the rust colored ground was freezing over. Holy crap there was ice everywhere.

"Your family wants you back,  they miss you." The forgotten hissed.

"My family's dead you mother fu-." The forgotten that was holding her down beat Lazarus's face into the disgusting ground.

"You will not use that kind of language," it said," a lady will never marry if she uses that kind of talk."

"Screw you buddy, this birdy is never going to marry!" She screamed.

"Your family says other wise darling, you're going to finally do the one thing  you might be good at ."

Lazarus felt the blood leave her face. No,no,no,no,no,no,no,no. This wasn't happening. Not to her. She'd heard of things like this happening but she'd never thought it could happen to her. Yet here it was. She was probably going to die thanks to her stupidity. She was really wishing she had turned into one of the meth guys.......

                                                                This is the end of part one

(Note from the author: Sorry if this part is too short. I just wanted to test out everything. Don't worry about part two, it will most likely be longer than this one. I don't know when I'll make part two, I'll try to find the time too. I hope you enjoyed so far and will continue to read this really bad writing I call my own ~L)

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