Secret Guardian

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She was tired, the day had brought with it stress

She sat back and closed her eyes after she undressed

Suddenly she found herself in a different land

She looked up to find an opened hand

A voice sounded out from somewhere far away

"Blair, listen closely to me this day"

"Who are you?" She asked the voice in the dark

It came suddenly and shuttered her heart.

"I am a version of you many years from now,
I seen all the pain you will endure both sad and proud."

The voice sounded surreal as if she knew it to be true

"What is it that I can do for you?"

The voice went silent for a moment as if collecting it's thoughts

"We are the reason for all that is lost."

"We are the pain that has engulfed this Earth,
We are death before the rebirth."

She stumble back at those words

For what she is hearing seems like a curse

"Why do you torture me so?"

She couldn't believe such words and their mighty blow

"I am a warning to you for a future path"

"Find the one you love and calm his wrath."

"For if anything should happen to you in the coming days."

"Heaven and Hell will be the focus of his gaze"

"He is powerful, more then anyone knows"

"But with you his power will grow"

"He can become great and start the world anew"

"Or he can destroy everything that holds us true."

She closed her eyes for she knew what these words meant.

The words were clearly and peacefully sent.

They came to her in a time of loss

To warn her of the price and it's cost

The voice spoke again, this time with care

"You are the Seer my beautiful Blair"

"You know what he is and the price that must be paid"

"You know his hopes, his dreams, you are his aid."

"In the days that come only you will know"

"The price of love that must be shown"

"I have done what I came to do"

"The rest I leave up to you"

With that she awoke all covered in sweat.

She knows now the price of the day they met.

"I'm a Seer? What could that mean?"

She raised out of bed and started a shower to feel clean.

The night had left her covered in a mess

The feelings she had, left her in wonder and trying to guess.

Was that really her voice coming through

Some future of hopelessness was the warnings true?

Only one thing for sure crossed her mind

She had to find this misery man that has their future in twined.

If he could change the world with love alone

She had to be the light that his future shown

She dressed herself and started to walk towards the door

As she opened it she seen her future once more

There standing in front of her was beauty at its purest

The man she never seen but knew was her surest

"I found you my Blair" he said with a love she already knew

She dropped her bags and engulfed him, her passion renewed

"I always knew you would come and be with me one day"

Her eyes watering as the pain went away.

"I will always find you my Blair, nothing will ever stand in my path"

She felt the words deep as they settled at last.

She looked up at him and his beautiful hues

She lost her way staring deep within their blue.

"I love you!" She said after some length

"I love you too!" He repeated holding her tight with his strength.

They stood there for what seemed like eternity

Staring closely into each other's eyes, as if locked in an infirmary

Finally together but their problems have just begun

But for this night, at least, all their troubles are done.

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