Chapter 10: Tinker Buddies

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***Heyyy guys :) So I had a bit of inspiration again. Remember I don't own any of the Avengers or Loki (sadly :P) I only own Alexis :)***

(Alexis P.O.V)

During the night, I woke up constantly due to the nightmares plaguing my mind. Eventually, I couldn't stand the thought of going back to sleep so I got out of bed and padded silently across the carpeted floor to the en-suite.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, are you up?" I whisper. My voice breaking the silence of the room.

"Always, Miss." His reply startled me, even though I was expecting it.

"What is the time?" I ask, walking into the ensuite with the lights flickering on.

"3:26 am, Miss. May I inquire as to what you are doing up at this hour?"

Looking in the mirror, I see flashes of my father's fists and his beatings. His harsh words and vile face. Shaking my head, I snap myself out of it and sigh "Just couldn't sleep."

I see myself in the mirror. My sunken cheeks. My collarbone showing as the too big shirt falls off one shoulder. The bags under my eyes. My hair was the only thing that didn't look too bad. Sighing sadly to myself, I walk back into my bedroom and sit, cross-legged, the middle of my humongous bed. Flashes of my father still echo in my mind. The darkness of my room started to remind me too much of the basement at my old house.


"Yes, Miss?"

"Can you please turn the lights on?" Even though I whispered the request, my voice echoed in the vast empty room. Darkness, thankfully, gave way to light then. Taking a deep breath, I try to calm my racing heart. I wanted my thoughts on him to go away. I didn't want him to rule my life anymore. 

"Why can't he just leave me alone?" I cry silently as tears started gathering in my eyes and spilling down my cheeks. Sobs forced their way out my mouth. I hug my knees to my chest and bury my head in my knees.

A knock sounds on my door, but I ignore it, hoping that whoever is on the other side of the door will leave me be. However, that hope was diminished when I hear the bottom of the door brushing against the carpet as it is pushed open.

"Hey Shortcake, You okay?" Tony's voice asked from behind me, growing closer as he walked toward me.

I nodded my head, not trusting my voice.

I felt the bed dip as he sat down on the edge and sighed "I'm not sure when sobbing alone in your room became classed as fine, Alexis."

I turn around and face him. Despite my fear of men, I felt like I could trust Tony. Looking up at his face, I read his eyes. They held concern. An emotion I hadn't seen in a long time directed at me. It shocked me a bit.

"Wanna tell me wrong?"He asked softly. The softness in his voice was a texture that I would never have expected from a man like him.

"Just a dream," I whisper, staring at my lap.

"Wanna tell me about it?"

Shaking my head, I whisper "No." I didn't want them to know about my past yet. I didn't want them to send me back to my father.  I hear him sigh as the bed shifts as he stands up.

"Well, I won't be going to sleep anytime soon," He says, "Do you want to join me down in my workshop?"

I whip my head around to stare at him.

"Do you really want me to?" I question. Disbelief lacing my tone.

"Of course," he smiles down at me, holding his hand out.

I slip off my bed and cautiously take his hand. He clasps my hand gently and smiles down at me. Warmth filling his smile.


"Here we are," he announces, throwing his hands out wide as he walks into his workshop. Lights flickering on as he strides in. I trail along behind him, my eyes wide with amazement. There was so many tools, gadgets and projects everywhere. It was inventor heaven.

"Wow," I gasp, trying to take it all in at once.

"This is where the magic happens," He says as he leans against one of the many benches.

"This is amazing," I whisper. I just couldn't believe my eyes. There was so much  technology I had never seen or even though existed yet.

"So, Shortcake," Tony says, getting my attention, "What do you think?" He asks with a smile.

"This is just unbelievable," I say with wonder.

Tony gives me a tour of his workshop including his famous Iron Man suits. He shows me all his cars, my favourite being the Audi R8, and all his bikes. As we finish '

the tour, he picks me up and sits me on a bench. I tense slightly but I find that I wasn't actually that scared because I felt that I could trust him. If he noticed me tensing he doesn't say which I am thankful for.

"So, what would you like to create down in my wonderland?" He grins at me.

I shrug and swing my feet. Looking around, I spy an arc reactor on a nearby table. Tony follows my line of sight and nods his head at the reactor, asking "Would you like to make a pocket-sized one?"

My eyes widen and I say, "Would I really be able to?!"

"Of course," He winks.

"Yes, please," I whisper as a smile starts to emerge on my face.

Tony grins and walks over to a nearby table, gesturing for me to follow. I jump down and walk over as he picks me up again so I could see what he was doing. The whole table was a holographic computer. It was so cool. Tony teaches me to operate it as we start designing the pocket-sized arc reactor.

Finally, happen with the final design, Tony look at me and asks, "Well, Shortcake, are you ready to see this creation of yours come to life?" 

I nod, my mouth etched in a huge grin as my excitement makes its self known. I could hardly wait to build this. I still couldn't believe that I was actually allowed to make it and that Tony wasn't scoffing at my ideas and inputs that I had on the whole design.


Time flew by as Tony and I created the reactor. Sleeping was in the far corner of my mind as we both delved into the parts of our minds that we excelled in. I had never had that much fun in my entire life than that night. There were many times of laughter and joy. Finally, finishing the reactor, I stared at it as I hold it carefully in my hands. The pale blue glow that the reactor emitted made me smile softly.

"We did it, Shortcake," Tony smiles softly at me. Clutching the reactor in my hands, I throw my self at Tony and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Thank you," I whisper. He crouches down as I let go quickly and asks, "What for?" I could see the curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"For letting me help make this," I whisper, tears starting to come to my eyes. He smiles softly at me and pulls me into a warm embrace.

"No problem, Shortcake," I hear him mumble against the side of my head, "No problem at all."

***Another Chapter completed!!!! Enjoy!***

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