My Old Friend-s?

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*Grians POV*

I walked into the gym to see Invader dancing a little dance.

"Yay! I avenged Sammy-pooh!" She chimed.

Sam scowled, I laughed.

"Oh shut up, Grian." He muttered.


"Yes." Okami agreed.

We all headed outside to the playground. "I don't understand why we have a playground..." I told Taurtis.
"Or this shed. They're pointless." I knocked on the side wall of the shed, and Pepe ran out.

"AAAAGH!" He screamed. "DONT HIT ME PLEASE!" And ran out of school grounds.

"Well." Taurtis said.

I shrugged. Typical Pepe.

*Your POV*

I gaped at Grian. He just called me a GREMLIN! Then he ran off. Ugh. He's a typical boy. But he's still cute.

I walked back over to the gym to meet up with the girls. The class started heading towards where I just was. Soul ran up to me. "There you are!" She looked me up and down. "Oh whew. You didn't get hit. I'm sorry. We should've warned you not to get Sam out." She glanced back at Invader, who was doing a little victory dance near Sookie and Yuki. "She does that to whoever gets him out, unless she's out already." Sookie said something to Yuki and Invader and they came over to me and Soul. "Sorry..." Invader said instantly. "We shoulda told you about my crush on Sam before hand..." She glanced at Sam, who was talking to Taurtis and Grian.

"Well?" Sookie said.

"Well what?"

"What happened?" Yuki asked. "You know, when Rowan sent Grian out to get you. What did Grian do?"

"Uh, Well... He jump-scared me and called me a GREMLIN." I muttered. "I HATE being jump-scared!"

"That jerk!" Invader gasped.

"It's fine." I said reluctantly. "It hurt my feelings, but I'm sure he didn't mean it. I think he was just trying not to get teased by Sam. I don't blame him."

"Well I do." Yuki said. "The nerve!"


"Well that's the bell. I had better head home. I'm expecting (BFN) to get here tonight and I need to actually set up the house. Or at least my part."

Everyone was parting into their little groups, and heading home.

"We could help you!" SoulOwl suggested.
"Nah it's fine. There's not that much to help with." I said.

"Ok, we'll see you tomorrow!" Yuki said and we all waved goodbye to each other.


On the way home, I noticed Grian, Taurtis, and Sam walking on the road, talking.

I hid behind a shrub, not wanting to talk to any of them.

"You so like her!" Sam said.

Like who?

"No, I don't!" Grian muttered.

"Then why are you blushing?" Sam insisted. "Huh?"

"Maybe because he's embarrassed to be NEAR you Sam." Taurtis said jokingly.

"Oh shut up!" Sam said. I heard chuckles. "So Grian do you or don't you like (YN)?"


"I do not!" Grian snapped. "Now leave me be! I'm going home the long way!" His British accent flared.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, and I had to think fast.

"Dumb Sam. Always prying." Grian was getting closer.


A thorn on the bush tore at my uniform and pricked my side. "Ow!" Great.

"(YN)?!" Grian looked at me from around the bush. "What are you doing?" His attractive accent flowed through my head once more.

"Uh... Er listening..." I murmured guiltily.

He sighed. "Well I suppose you heard that little feud with Sam and Taurtis, eh?"

I nodded and stood up. "Well, uh, I need to get home..."

"I can take you there." He said quietly, scarlet lightly dusting his cheeks. "If you want, I mean..."

"Sure...?" I smiled, sort of amused.

He scratched his head. "So which way?"
"Oh! Sorry! This way." I started walking in the direction my house was in.


"Here we are."

It was an awkwardly silent walk to my house, but we're here now.

"Thanks for walking me home, Grian!"
We waved goodbye to each other and I turned to my house.

"(YN)?" A familiar voice prodded my hypnotized brain. Walking home with Grian seemed to have quite the effect on me.

"Is she finally here?" A sleepy voice asked.
"Yes, now wake up (BFN)."

I was facing two girls. One blonde, one with brown skin(sorry if I sounded racist, I didn't intend to) and black hair with a red tint.

"(BFN)!" I squealed. "And (FN)!"


Ok so before I made this I decided not to get right into the relationship with Grian, but I couldn't refuse putting the classic "I'll walk you home" in there.

Word count:779 words

Also be sure to keep up to date on my new Taurtis X Reader book, I ties in with this book like heck. Oh and let me know if you want to see a Samgladiator X Reader! It could tie in with this book to...

Don't be a silent reader and tell me what you think! Give me some ideas! PLEEEZ!


I'm normal

I think

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