Dig, Ship?

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Diggles POV.

They are so cute, and they don't even see it. How can't they though? 

ring ring

"whats up?" I said as I answered the phone

"Uh babysitting!" Oliver said obviously worried.

"Yup, I am on my way," I replied.

"Okay, well Thea and I are going to the store we will meet you back here," Oliver hung up.

He did not think this through before telling Felicity he would watch the two while she was at work. he has no idea what he is doing. He probably only said yes because she was upset, and of course he does not want to see her upset. They are so perfect together. 

I got in my car and started to drive to the Queen mansion. I should be there in about twenty minutes. Oh no, what are we going to do about the Arrow? I don't think we should just take them to the Arrow Cave. We might have to. What if Barry still has his super speed. That might be funny if he does though. Oliver and Felicity running around trying to catch him. Awe so cute. 

Oh no, I am a crazy fan boy hope none finds out I will loose my tuff guy image. 

I pulled into the drive and noticed I beat Oliver and Thea home so I went I let myself in and sat on the sofa. I will probably have to help them set up a room for the kids. I hope they are home soon I can't wait to babysit those cuties while Oliver and Felicity run around like chickens with their heads cut off. 

"Dig, I just got a call from Felicity and um Baby Bear still has his super speed so be prepared." Oliver said when I answered the phone.

"You call him Baby Bear and he ran away to Felicity. That is so cute." I replied.

"Oh hush up. I already have to deal with Thea saying things like that I don't need it from you to." Oliver   Said before hanging up.

Yup I ship it.

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