Chapter 3 - You are mine Shanna, you will not die!

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Everyone was standing there looking rather shocked though nothing like Joachim. When the girl had launched herself at him his first reaction was to slap her aside since it could be an attack. He never had a chance to even consider that before his cat tromped on the reaction. When she hit him one arm went around her back and the other under her bottom to support her. "Ooph!!!" He had to grunt when she impacted him. As soon as she started crying 'Mine' his cat came somewhat forward and using his ears listened to her body's reaction.

Unlike a wolf, with their incredible keen sense of smell, cats tended to identify potential mates by sight and hearing. Since he couldn't really look at her he listened to what her body was saying and he could sense changes in her breathing and pulse. That and as soon as his arms wrapped around her the warm tingles started. He lowered his face to her neck and gave her a sniff and her neck a light lick before starting to purr. "Mine as well youngling."

Dan could only stare in shock for a brief moment before slapping a hand to his face. "Oh fucking wonderful, I am so not going to ask what the hell is next. Steph don't bother asking at the moment." He was starting to growl since Joachim wasn't going to leave his future mate at this point. Even though she was too young to complete the mating bond the link was still there and Joachim would want to stay with her. "Great, just bloody fucking great. I am going to hunt that damn rogue down and skin him while he is alive. I will have a cat skin rug for my living room." He was most definitely not in a good mood at the moment.

Steph could only stare at what had happened and to her human sensibilities it was wrong. Why had the girl, obviously young at that, scream 'mine' when she jumped at the other man? This she needed to understand now. Even as blood thirsty as Dan was sounding she had to ask. "Dan what just happened? Shouldn't she get some clothing on?" She chose to ignore his request not to ask about what she had seen.

Dan snarled again before answering. "Were-creatures can sense who would either would make a good mate for them or, as in Mari and Shanna's case, who is their mate. When we say mate it is short for soul mate. Most were's don't have a soul-mate as such but they can tell if someone will make a good mate. For wolves it is based on scent..." He turned at the young wolf since he was sniffing the air and growled. " identify either their mate or a good match. With the darn cat types they use their eyes and ears to tell. Some of the other were's use a different method." He growled again.

He looked at the two still in the back. "Out and stay here, I have an issue to deal with." Dan turned to Steph. "When Joachim gets his thoughts back he will show you to where Mari and Shanna are. As far as clothes we don't worry about them a great deal. It is a pain in the ass to shift when wearing clothing. We grow up with general nudity and don't even really think about it."

With a slam he closed the tailgate of the SUV and stalked to the door. "I will be back as soon as I can." Dan climbed in and fired the SUV up and pulled out. His driving was rather aggressive and his anger was showing. If he didn't get away from everyone at the moment he was going to do something stupid.


Steph was standing there trying to figure out what was going on. Even with the explanation Dan had given her seeing a young teen, nude at that, holding onto an adult bothered her. In her training and experience that sort of relationship was wrong and not good for the child. The adult would be in charge of the relationship and it would never be an equal relationship. Then again that could also describe many of the adult relationships she had seen over the years. It was still wrong to see.

One of the other cats who were standing around heaved a sigh and came over. "Evening Ms. Eaton, I am Dawn and a member of the pride. Joachim is going to be off center for a little while. If you will follow me I will take you inside." She looked at the other two. "You two follow me as well and I will find somewhere for you to sleep and some clothing." Damn it but they had been having fun before that damn call. She was feeling damn frustrated at the moment.

Dan's mate - Howl in the Night 3Where stories live. Discover now