There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (Extra #2)

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November 7th, 2007

I loved my family, don't get me wrong, but that didn't mean that I didn't think that they were annoying.

"Mom says you have to clean your room," my sister Camilla sneered teasingly as she opened my door and popped her head inside. "She said that it's so bad that she's afraid that there's vermin in here."

My family was huge, since my parents both had many siblings and there had been a lot of divorces and remarriages between them. But my huge extended family weren't the ones that bothered me.

It was only the two that I had to live with.

I rolled my eyes at my sister, almost completely ignoring her as I continued to flip through the channels on the tiny TV that was in my so called messy room. I thought that it was perfectly fine for a guy my age...

I'd clean my room when I wanted to clean my room. I didn't even think that it was that bad at all...

"Jesse, are you listening to me?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I grumbled, not looking away from the TV when I finally found a good show to watch.

Camilla made a face when she stepped into my room. "You're such a guy!"

"Better than being a girl."

Camilla scowled, placing her hands on her hips as she continued to stare at me. This was why I hated having an older sister. She thought she could just barge into my room like it was hers or something... But hers was the bigger pink room across the hall from mine, and she always seemed to forget that.

Camilla stuck her nose in the air, now crossing her arms over her chest. Was she going to leave any time soon, or was she just going to stand there and glare at me for the rest of the night? I didn't know that my sister was such a creep...

Not to mention that she was always on my back about me having a girlfriend. It wasn't my fault that I was smart enough to get a scholarship to go to a private school for only guys! She was always trying to set me up with girls from her school, but none of them interested me. I was sure that Camilla and my mom probably thought that I was secretly gay or something.

But I wasn't gay. So what if I went to an all-boys school? I didn't want to go to the normal public school that everyone from my middle school went to. Everyone there thought I was a complete idiot anyway...

But Cambridge was boring, to say the least. Since there were no girls, there was no one to stare at. Even the female teachers weren't attractive. But then there were the guys. Almost every single one of them was brainy, skinny dorks who only studied during their free time. I didn't even study, and yet I was the top of my class.

So that was why I joined the gang a few months back. I'm not proud of it, but it was something I could do when I was bored, and the guys were actually tough. Not to mention that the chicks were hot.

But since my sister and mother both didn't know about the gang, they had no idea how much attention I got from the girls that were a part of it. Every time I beat someone up, girls would flock to me like I was a God or something. But it wasn't like I was complaining or anything...

But then there was this one girl, whose name was Erica. She didn't just have a crush on me, but she was pretty much obsessed with me. Not only was she almost four years older than me, she was also the gang leader's girlfriend. So that really wasn't a good thing for me... But I wasn't interested in her, even though she was probably one of the hottest girls on the planet.

"You're going to get in trouble if you don't clean your room now," Camilla continued, her nose still stuck up in the air. I continued to ignore her, way too lazy to get up and do anything right then. Wasn't it obvious that I wasn't listening? But Camilla was just like my mother; they were both stubborn as hell.

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