Chapter 13 - Seungcheol's PoV

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I pull a small chair from a corner and next to my wife's bed. For the whole night I accompany my wife. And for that whole night as well I contemplate, and eventually make a decision. I hope it's the best decision for my wife. Yes honey, I will do anything to stop myself from hurting you.

My eyes slowly flutter shut. I fall asleep on that small chair, still holding my wife's hand. Not long after, I feel a faint movement from under my hand. A faint shriek then heard. I tilt my head up, and find Jeonghan has woken up. He looks scared and panicked. I try to soothe him. After listening to my explanation, his facial expression gradually softens.

The door to our room opened, followed by a doctor who's responsible for my wife. When the doctor examines Jeonghan and explains his condition, I sneak out of the room.

I call my house, asking Yuri about Mingyu. Mingyu has recovered, his temperature is back to normal. Yuri also tells me that Mingyu keep asking about Jeonghan. After making a promise to my son that he will surely meet his mom tomorrow morning, I hang up the phone.

I walk into Jeonghan's room and my wife is already in a deep slumber. His face seems peaceful. Avoiding and keeping a distance from my wife is the hardest thing I've ever done. But I know, this is for my wife's sake. This is the only thing, the best thing I could do so I wouldn't hurt you anymore, honey.


In the car, Mingyu keep asking about Jeonghan.

"Daddy, where's mommy?"

"Daddy, can I play with mommy?"

"Daddy, I miss mommy...."

Poor my son. While he was sick, he didn't realize his mom's presence beside him, protecting him and taking care of him until he recovered.

So when we're inside Jeonghan's room, Mingyu immediately calls out his mom and asking to be picked up on my wife's lap. Mingyu doesn't stop chattering in my wife's lap, sometimes pulling Jeonghan in a hug, playing with a strand of his mom's hair. Mingyu's adorable behavior is welcomed with laughter and shower of kisses from Jeonghan.

My wife's laughter makes me crack a smile. It feels like it's been forever since I heard my wife laughing. His eyes are glistening with happiness. Suddenly those eyes avert to my direction. But behind the happiness in them, there's still sorrow shown in his eyes. I couldn't bear to see it, so I shift my gaze to the room's door. That makes me think, maybe if I disappear from his sight, that sadness in his eyes will be gone as well.


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