That seems right

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  "Anna?" Hermione said questioningly as she took a step towards me to see me better. I looked around and pulled out my wand.
"Lumos." I said and a small bright light erupted from my wand. We were able to see each other clearly now and I could see the shock on their faces but they could see the relief on mine. I ran up to them and pulled them into a huge hug. "Thank Godric you two are alright." I whispered as they hugged back. We pulled out of the hug and Hermione was the first one to speak.
"Yeah we're alright I guess." She shrugged and turned to Harry who was looking at me in confusion. I looked down to where his eyes were, in the center of my stomach. "I found out shortly after the wedding." I mumbled. He nodded and smiled, I've missed his smile. "Congratulations Anna." He said and Hermione echoed. I pulled them in for individual hugs and told them how much we all missed them. "Wait where's Ron?" I asked slightly worried, at Hogwarts they were all inseparable. Harry looked guilty where as Hermione looked like she was on the verge of tears. "We had a bit of an argument, he's fine though." Harry said quietly. I nodded and reminded myself that I would tell Fred that they're alright.

The bell of the church chimed and I whipped my head around to see the clock but it was obscured by trees. "What time is it?" I asked them, Hermione looked at her watch.

 "Five o'clock." She said and my eyes widened.

"I need to head back, Fred will be worried sick." I said and hugged them both again. "Whatever mission or task you're on please remember to stay safe, I want you to come home in one piece." I smiled at them, they both nodded and smiled back at me. I pulled my coat tighter around me and turned to leave the cemetery. Before I was two headstones away from them Harry called out. "Merry Christmas Anna." I turned back and gave them a warm smile.
"Merry Christmas Harry. Merry Christmas Hermione." I said quietly encase there was someone listening. I gave them a small wave and walked back down the lane, passing a hunched, old woman, to my car.

On the drive back home the snow became slightly heavier but not so that it would effect my vision and put me in danger. I got back to the cottage safely and quickly walked in side, shutting the cold and darkness out behind me. "Anna?!" Fred called from the living room. 

"Yeah babe?" I called back as I took off my coat and boots. Fred came round the door way and gave me a hug. "I told you I'd be fine." I giggled as he released me and helped me take my gloves off. We walked back into the living room and he took the angel that was surrounded in brown paper from my hands to look at it. "Do you want to put it up now?" He asked as he put it down on the sofa next to us. I nodded and he went to get the ladder as I stood up.

He placed the ladder next to the tree and climbed it as he took off the old star tree topper. Fred turned back to me as I unwrapped the angel and walked to the ladder. He helped me climb the ladder even though I am highly capable of climbing it myself. I reached the top and ceremoniously placed the angel on top of our tree. I climbed back down the ladder and stood back to admire the tree. "Now that seems right." I smiled, I heard Fred chuckle from behind me as he put away the ladder and sat back down on the sofa. I sat down next to him and curled up next to him. He lifted up my top so it was over the bump and began tracing shapes onto my stomach, occasionally the baby would press against my stomach and we would see its little hand or foot. I looked over to Fred and whenever the baby would place a hand to the "surface" his smiled would grow so big that it would make me smile.

After ten minutes of this, Fred went to grab snacks and fizz to bring into the living room whilst we watched Christmas films. Shortly after he left, I had my hands on my stomach and the baby began to kick. I winced in discomfort for a bit but then I giggled because I remembered the first time the baby kicked and Fred freaked out and almost cried. He's still a softie. He came back in and saw my expression of brief discomfort as the baby kicked harder and chuckled. "Baby kicking again?" He asked as he set down the crisps and chocolates. I nodded and he crouched down in front of me. "Listen up little one, you need to stop doing that, you're hurting mummy. It may seem fun but she doesn't like it, no matter how cute it seems." He muttered to my stomach, I smiled like I do every time Fred talks to the baby with me. The baby seemed to listen to Fred and it stopped kicking me. Fred's hand rested on my hands that were placed over my stomach and he lightly kissed me. We watched movies for the rest of the night and I told him about my encounter in Godric's Hollow, he seemed to be relieved that they were all okay but he said that Harry and Ron probably fell out because of something Ron said. Fred said "Well Ron can be kind of a tosser at times so I'm not that surprised." I just laughed at this comment and continued to eat the snacks.

Early Christmas morning I woke up with pains in my abdomen. I sat up quickly and breathed heavily, my hand somehow grabbed onto Fred's arm and woke him up. "Babe what's wrong?" He said as he turned on the lamp and looked at me.
"It hurts, here." I said running my hand over where the pain was. Fred panicked and ran out of the room. "FREDRICK WEASLEY GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE!!!!" I screamed down the stairs.

After a few minutes the pain was slowly easing off but was still painful. I heard the fireplace go downstairs and then muttering. The last thing I need right now is bloody Death Eaters or someone robbing me. There was footsteps coming up the stairs and I calmed slightly when I saw red hair. Fred came running up the stairs with Molly in her nightgown trying to keep up with Fred's pace. "What's the matter dear, Fred said you woke up in pain." Molly asked as she reached my bedside.
"Yeah, there's a pain here but it's slowly going away." I said running my hand over my abdomen again. "Molly, the baby isn't due till March, what's going on?!" I asked worriedly. She took my hand and rubbed her thumb soothingly across it.
"Everything is fine Anna, I think it was just something called Braxton hicks. You might experience them more often from now on, there's nothing to panic about though." I nodded and calmed down.

Molly stayed till the pain went away, which was only a few minutes later. When she stood up to leave I was repeatedly apologizing for waking her up so late at night/ early in the morning. She left and Fred climbed back into bed, putting his arm round me and pulling me closer. "Sorry for waking you up." I mumbled into his chest.
"It's fine. You were in pain, I would wake up at any time for you if you needed me." He kissed my head and we laid together till I heard his soft snores. My eye lids became heavy and quickly fell asleep.

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