22. Percy's Plan for Procrastination.

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The rest of the gods had crowded around Poseidon to watch over his shoulders, outrage growing as it progressed; to the point of thunder rumbling above, the foundations grumbling and the water in Bessie's tank swirling.

"He is of Gaia's blood." Zeus snarled, summoning the Master Bolt into his hand. The King of the Gods was clearly out for blood, immediately making a beeline for the exit.

"Brother, think about it. Use whatever brain cells still reside in your head." Poseidon stood in front of him, blocking his path out of the throne room. "Percy is right, we cannot act yet."

"He is the spawn of Gaia, yes, but think about the opportunity we have here." Hades backed Poseidon. "They think they are several steps ahead."

"They are secure in their knowledge, they think that Kronos cannot be killed by none other than Percy Jackson – who they believe to be dead - and they think we believe that Nathan is Poseidon's only living son where he is in a perfect position as Head Counsellor for his empty cabin to receive information." Athena agreed. "We know that Percy is obviously alive and here, and we know that Nathan is lying. We can use this to our advantage and feed the enemy false information."

"Is this my fault?" Percy realised. "If I had been here, they'd likely have been too scared to raise Kronos knowing that he would not be invincible."

"They would have had Nathan murder you in your sleep and would have raised him anyway," Hades stated dryly. "Why else would they have had Nathan pose as a child of Poseidon? He'd be put in close contact to you. Obviously, they didn't anticipate the fact that his shocking lack of personality would drive you away."

"I would have never let you live it down if Nathan murdered you in your sleep." Nico broke the tension with a snort.

"That's the thing Nic, murder means that I wouldn't be living." Percy pointed out. "But you can bet that I would haunt you for eternity."

"Percy isn't going to be haunting anyone anytime soon," Poseidon spoke up.

"I'm going to follow him to the ends of the galaxy this time to make sure he doesn't." Nico nodded, and Percy's heart dropped slightly.

He cast a fearful look at Hades, who did not look happy.

"Not a chance." Percy shook his head. He glanced at Athena. "I know this is off topic but just give us a second?"

"Take all the time you need." Athena held up her hands, glancing at Hades.

"I told you once and I'll tell you again, you're going to take me with you when you go, or I'll take myself after you." Nico glared at him.

"And I said that Hades would kill me." Percy pointed out. "And judging by the look on his face, I wasn't wrong about that presumption."

Nico looked at his dad and Percy could see his body tense and the expression on his face change to one of slight desperation. "Papà."

It was a single word that held so much emotion.

"I was wrong to let my nephew go off as I did, I was wrong to inflict that hurt on my brother." Hades was speaking directly to Nico. "And I can't do that to myself. I can't wonder where my son is."

"And I can't not know where my brother is." Nico shot back. "You know what the last five years have been like for me. I can't live like that, I can't let him go and not know where he is, where he's going – whether or not he's still alive until his ghost appears in the Underworld."

"But I can't agree to you gallivanting off, leaving me to wonder what's happening to you." Hades shook his head.

"It's not something I would ever inflict on anyone else," Poseidon spoke gravely.

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