Chapter 3

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Well hello everybody how are you today eh back with the story..I also have Karate today so its gonna be short and my brother is doing his class first now so only got couple of minutes....Well I had it that day but any who. Just listening to the wonderful song I put for you. Toodles

...With slenderman (his pov)...

I went wild crazy, and got so angry when I saw what was in y/n's mind. I had have enough of this and I was going to end it tonight and I will have so much fun doing this...I will just lure him in my woods and speak to him in his mind and lure him outside.....


Meanwhile at the mansion and back to you..
You woke up and was wondering where you were. You didn't panick, but just looked around. Then someone said I see u have awoken already in a cheery voice. He came out it was one of Sender's brothers, Splendorman. He said "Are you okay do you want some food or anything"you didn't respond but just looked at him wondering where the heck you were. Splendorman then said, " Oh yes, I forgot to introduce myself I am Splendorman and it is splendid to meet you(too corny for u huh :-* well k then back to the story) and y/n I will not kill you nor anyone in this mansion, so you don't have to worry. Also I have a feeling your wondering where you are, you are in my brothers mansion....The Slender Mansion..(lol I spaced it out xd)." You looked suprised, then you finally spoke up and said,"What?!".

Well my little bro called me so I guess I will be right back. This is a lot of work 😂😂💀. But its worth a try.

Ok guys going to soon update don't worry...

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