part8 He is living with us

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It was the next day and I just woke up for school and me and my dad were still not talking.I got in the shower as always I brushed my hair and left it hang and I put on my blue jeans and a white v neck tee-shirt.After I got dress I went to school. jade came up to me asking me what happened at the park because there was a guy covered in blood at the nutrients trial.I stutter because I was nervous n-n-n-nothing I know nothing I said.Oh ok she said after that we want to class.In class Derk looked mad so I came up to him asking if he was ok.He said I got kicked out my house.My mom say me smoking were so now i'm homeless now

Once I got home I went up to my room so to get undressed and to get in to some short and a over sized sweater.I want down stir to my dad to talk to him.Dad yeah what do you need.One of my friend are homeless and I was wondering if he can live with us.absolutely not he can not live with us i'm sorry.But he is homeless now do you not carry.I've never said I don't care ain't you ground it anyway now go in your room.Fine but one question do you even love me.Of course I do he said.How come it feels like you love more Madeline.Just go in your room ok.Fine I ran up in my room and cried.The next day I want to school I ran up to derk and huged him.You are ok I ask yep whats go on with you he ask.You are going to live with me now ok.Think you so much is your dad ok with this.Don't worry  about him I can deal with him promise.After school we want to my house.The first thing my dad said to me is carolyn what is he doing here.He is living here.No he is not he said lets take it to a vote.Mom do you have  a problem with it she said well he is homeless and we have a extra room why not.Do you have a problem with it sis.No a cute boy is just what we need she said.So dad there 3 against 1 so can he live here
dad.Fine carolyn he can live here ok but the second something happen he is out ok.Think you so much dad.Your welcome sweet heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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