Chapter 34 - So It's Your Fault

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I was walking to the little balcony where I ate lunch on Monday, William had to stay back to talk to our biology teacher about making up a missed test, so I was walking alone. I was walking up the stairs when someone grabbed my arm and whirled me around to face them.

"Can we talk?" It was Nick. He stood on the step below me and let go of my arm.

"About what?" I asked, putting my hand on my hip.

"A lot, please? I promise I won't hurt you." 

"Ok. But just for a minute." We walked up the stairs and he pulled me to an empty corner, my back against the wall. "Ok, go."

"Why'd you tell that Lin guy I beat you up? I'd kind of like to see Hamilton."

"Actually, I never told him anything, he kind of pieced it together himself."

"How did he 'piece it together' exactly? You didn't even know him!"

"He saw bruises. He knew I was in the system. This sort of thing happens a lot, and he's been working with Graham Windham so he has more of a connection the foster kids in New York."

"How did he know you were in the system?"

"I told him." I shrugged a little, obviously there was a lot Nick didn't know.

"When! When did you even meet him?!"

"I ran into him at the grocery store once, listen how much longer is this going to take?"

"Like 5 minutes. Come on." He promoted me to continue.

"Alright, I met him at the grocery store on the day you and Sarah broke up." Nicks jaw clenched slightly, "I had a bruise on my cheek from you punching me there and he noticed and asked me where I got it. I told him I ran into something, he didn't believe me. I saw him again at dinner the next night, that's when he pieced it all together. I didn't see him for 3 months until he took me in as a foster kid. And you know the rest." 

"It's all your fault!" You could see anger fill his eyes and I freaked out a little, the small outburst came from nowhere.

"Come again?"

"It's all your fault! Everything that's been happening to me! Oh my gosh! It's all your fault!"

"Like what?! What have I done to you?"

"Well first, you broke me up with my girlfriend Sarah."

"Not true."  I responded recalling the occurrence.

"Then you get me a warning on underage possession and drinking."

"How was that my fault?"

"You publicly stated that I abused you."

"Nope. I'm pretty sure my response was 'no comment.'"

"Everyone at school thinks that I'm an abusive jerk."

"You are." 

"You got me suspended!" He continued not at all acknowledging anything I was saying.

"I'll give you that one."

"Now it's your fault that I won't get to see the hottest show on Broadway for 10 bucks. I can't even see it if I pay full price."

"That was actually Lins decision, I had no hand in that, if he chooses to ban you based on how you treated me, that's his decision, not mine." I tried to explain, "listen, I'm sorry you feel like this was my fault, but it's not, I didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry." I could see myself slinking back into the scared girl I was when I lived with him. I could see the fire that spread in his eyes right before him punched me. I held my hands in front of my face anticipating a blow, but none came.

"Hey, I wasn't going to punch you, have some faith in me."

"I'm sorry," I lowered my arms, "you just had that look in your eyes. You know from when I lived with you, right before you did anything to me, you would have this look in your eyes and I guess I just saw it. It scared me." I responded truthfully.

"Hey!" I looked over to see William running up the stairs, "what are you doing talking to her?" He ran over to us, and stepped in between me and Nick. "You ok?" He said turning to me.

"Yeah I'm fine, Nick and I were just talking it's ok."

"Come on, let's go to lunch." William grabbed my hand and pulled me over to his friendship

"Ok!" I smiled, "and Nick, I can't get you un-banned, he didn't ban you because he wanted to protect you, he banned you because he doesn't like you, better people deserve tickets in his mind." With that William and I went to lunch.


Thanks for reading 

- Abi

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