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it was hard for phil to ignore the loud ringing of his cellphone, every other minute but the pain was subsiding with every gulp of alcohol, travelling down his throat and leaving a burning sensation in it's wake. phil wasn't a person to drink, at all. but the lightheadedness was what he needed right now.

he needed to forget about dan's pleading eyes when he shut the door in his face, he needed to forget the hateful words that spewed out of dan's mouth, he needed to forget the thin layer of sweat coating dan's forehead as he threw his hands up in the air in anger.

he needed to forget the way dan's lips moulded with his, he needed to forget the way a deep pit would show in dan's cheeks every time he smiled, he needed to forget dan's unruly wavy hair and he needed to forget the way dan's arms wrapped around his waist at night.

he needed to stop thinking about dan for sometime so he could digest the continuos pain in his chest.

the obnoxious ringing was dying down each time phil would press his lips to the bottle. he shifted in his bed and laid down, the almost empty bottle of vodka still pressed to his lips as he closed his eyes.

he was beginning to forget dan's laugh, the way it was loud and consuming and made phil smile every time he heard it.

he was forgetting his beautiful tanned skin and the way it was hot under phil's fingertips.

he was forgetting dan's golden eyes, the way they were captivating and warm and calmed every nerve in phil's body.

he was forgetting the grainy image of dan he used to see on his laptop before he fell asleep.

he was forgetting the way dan's head rested on his chest, the way his hair was soft between his fingers.

he was forgetting the three am chats and the skype calls that started at night and ended in the morning.

he was forgetting the first time he saw dan, his matted hair and his bruised face.

he was forgetting the small things about him, and that scared him.

he was forgetting dan.

do u hate me bc of how the story is going

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