Chapter 27

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~ Two days later~

I slowly pull on the clothes Niall brought from my house. I look in the mirror, and bite my lip.

There's a knock on the door, and I call for them to enter. Niall walks in, with a hand behind his back. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Hey," he says. That reminds me of Harry, and I bite my lip again. Then I force a smile." Hi," I say. He walks over, and pulls his hand from behind his back to reveal flowers.

I smile, and take the flowers, hugging him." So I can't take you home, but I called a taxi, and they'll be here in no time," he says. I nod.

"Oh, and I wanted to ask you if you'd like to, uh, go, uh, to a Halloween party with me?" He asks. I smile."Of course, I'd love that, " I say. He smiles.

"Okay. Uh, it's a costume party, and you can dress up, but you don't have to if you don't want to but it would be cool, or if you don't think that's cool," he word vomits.

I laugh, nodding." I'll buy a costume, but you have to as well," I say. He smiles, and nods. Then he says bye, and leaves.

I look for Kaylin, but I can't find her, so I just leave and get in the cab.

We drive in silence, and when we get there I find Niall already paid. I say goodbye to the driver, and walk into my house.

I go to the kitchen, and put the flowers in a vase. I hear a creak on the wood, and bite my lip, my smile still showing a bit.

I turn and see him.

He smiles, and I can't keep the smile off my face anymore, running and jumping on him.

~ You guessed it, Harry's POV~

When I see her turned around at the sink I know she's smiling already. I smile too, and purposefully step on a loose board, causing it to creak.


She turns and smiles widely, running and literally jumping on me. I chuckle, and hug her, as she squeezes me tightly.

I smile a little, blinking slowly and thinking of how we got here. I look down at her as she looks up at me.

"Hey," she giggles. Then I realize that she's here, and she's okay. I hug her again.

"I was so worried about you," I say, frowning. She bites her lip, and smiles." Well I'm okay," she says. I chuckle again and slowly pull away from her.

She bites the inside of her cheek, and pulls away from me as well. She wipes her hands on her jeans and puts some of her hair behind her ear.


I smile a bit." So, uh what'd you do while I was gone?" She asks. I tap my chin." I saw an interesting pair of your underwear, and punched Liam a few times, " I say.


Her eyes widen, and I laugh." I'm kidding, I'm just kidding calm down," I laugh. She looks at me, before shoving my shoulder playfully.


I laugh some more and she soon joins me.

We stop laughing, and she smiles at me." I sorta, uh, missedyouwhileIwasgone, " she quickly says. I frown."What did you say?" She laughs nervously. "Oh nothing," she says.

Before I can further interrogate her, she runs out the room, screaming Liam at the top of her lungs.

I chuckle, shaking my head.

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