How You Meet

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    "I'm cool, I'm calm, I'm collected, and I'm perfect for this job. First day jitters are perfectly normal." You say to yourself, standing outside of the veterinary office you recently got hired at.
     "You're right, you know?" You yelp at the sudden appearance of a guy around your age standing beside you. "What?" You ask him once you catch your breath. The guy chuckles a bit, "Sorry for scaring you. I was just saying that you're right. First days are always the scariest."
     You smile at the guy, "Yeah. Do you work here?" He nods at you, his jaw revealing itself to be a bit crooked, "Yeah, I'm Scott." He says, holding his hand out for you to shake. "Y/N." You say, putting your hand in his.


     Trouble. Your big brother does nothing but get himself in trouble, and what are you expected to do? Get him out of it, which explains why you're speeding to Sheriff Stilinski's house, practicing what you'll need to say to get your brother out of the holding cell before he loses the opportunity to walk with his class.
You pull into the driveway, never having been to the sheriff's house before. You always dealt with him at the station, but he apparently had some time off.
     The heels of your boots click loudly as you walk up to the front door. "Here goes nothing." You mutter to yourself as you knock on the front door. The door swings open to reveal a boy with short brown hair and a confused grin on his face. "Hey, hi. Who are you?"
     "I need to speak with the sheriff, I must have the wrong house." The boy shakes his head at you, "What do you need my dad for?" He calls after you before you get to your car. His words make you stop in your tracks, "Stilinski has a son?" You question as you turn around.
     "That's me. Stiles. Stilinski. The uh, the sheriff's son." You make your way back to the door with a smile on your face, "Do you mind if I wait for him here? I'm Y/N."


     Breakups are terrible. Breakups are monsters, killers of the young soul. A recent breakup is why your friend, Lydia, dragged you all the way from the other side of town. To 'meet someone she knows you'll enjoy'.
     As the lacrosse game starts, there's one player that stands out to you immediately. When he pulls his helmet off, you nudge Lydia. "Lyd, who's he?" Your friend smirks at you, "That is who I brought you here for. Jackson Whittemore, a lacrosse player at peak performance."
     You give Lydia a look, "The guy you used to date?" She seems to know where your mind is going, "Yes, but we broke up a long time ago, and you two would be so cute together. Please Y/N, don't let this opportunity go to waste." She dramatically says. Knowing she'd end up getting her way, you agree.
     When the game ends, you and Lydia are the last people left waiting in the parking lot, Jackson still not making his post-game appearance. Just as you begin to tell Lydia that the two of you are leaving, she raises her hand in the air, "Jackson! Jackson, come here!" She says, smirking at you.
     "What do you want Lydia?" He questions once he gets close enough to the two of you to not have to yell. Lydia pushes you forward a bit, "This is my super hot friend, Y/N, and she said she wanted to meet Beacon Hills' star player. I'll give the two of you a moment." She says before getting in your car, leaving you and Jackson to exchange numbers.


     Isaac Lahey. That name doesn't mean much to many people, but it means a lot to you. You have had the most hopeless crush on Isaac since preschool when he rubbed your back because you came in crying about your first tooth being stolen from beneath your pillow.
     The crush you have on him is almost laughable. You've even resorted to visiting the cemetery whenever you knew he had to work so you could just get some extra time alone with him, whether he noticed you or not.
     You never cared that he didn't notice you though. It's Isaac Lahey. He's sweet, and kind, and quiet... Or at least he used to be. Now he hangs out with the tough kids and wears leather jackets... inside.
     Anyways, you're walking the the hall at school, listening to Make You Mine by Public and thinking of Isaac with his smile that makes you melt from the inside out when you knock into what you assume to be a wall. Your books and papers slap you in the face, causing you to fall down on your tailbone.
     When you shake yourself out of the weird experience, you see that the wall wasn't a wall at all but, "I-Isaac! I'm so, so sorry!" You gush as you turn your music down, your heart beating so fast, you almost think you're about to have a panic attack. Unbeknownst to you, Isaac hears both. He smirks at you, "It's fine, Y/N. Really."
     Hearing him say your name makes your heart skip a beat, "I didn't think you knew my name." You say shyly. Isaac pulls you up, your hand in his, "Of course I do. How would I forget you?"

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