twenty // prisoner

39 4 0

( * LUKE )

       I AM AWARE OF TWO thing when I open my eyes; I am not at home, and the place where I am is unfamiliar. My head spins, the room swaying from side to side, my gaze refusing to focus on one thing. The place where I'm held is built with thick concrete walls, and when the images begin to merge together to create one, I see a metal door in front of me with a small peep-hole. Taking into account the heavy feeling inside me, the metal can only be Iron, which is known to be a Keepers weakness. It must be what the chains that attach me to the wall are made of, too.

Images of the previous night flash through my mind, and I remember a hand on my mouth, at least three, four, five hands dragging me out of the bed I share with Ridley, out of the house, into the forest. Metal pressed to my neck in case I moved - a knife.

Immediately I know what is going on. The Shifters couldn't get to Ridley, so they decided that hitting at me would be their best shot. Because Ridley will come after me no matter what. Ridley...

"Saying her name won't make her magically appear." I wasn't aware that I said her name out loud. Wasn't aware I wasn't alone. A shape materialises in front of me, and I squint to see who the voice belongs to. Although, it does sound irritably familiar. "I wish it would, but we both know it's not that easy."

"Max," I say through gritted teeth, knowing it's him before he even walks into the small stream of light that comes from a window on the left wall. He's in the form he was in the night we went bowling - brown hair and brown eyes. I wanted to kill him then and I want to kill him now.

Max's lips curl up into a devilish grin. "Well, isn't this a wonderful sight?" He steps closer to me, sneering now. "The Legendary Luke. Practically indestructible, but weakened by a little Iron." He laughs, and I scoff involuntary. I know I'm pretty well known in the world of the Supernatural, but I wouldn't call myself 'legendary'.

"Look at you," I say, glaring at him. "You've got exactly what you've always wanted."

"You know what I've always wanted!" His fist connects with the wall next to my face, and shards of concrete splinter around me.

He's right, though. Years ago - before I met Ridley - we were best friends, brothers. We did everything together, and it didn't matter that we were born to different species. But then Ridley came into our lives, and we both fell in love with her. He never believed in us having a Sire, so when I told him she was mine, we fought about it and ended up enemies. He didn't understand that in order to have lived as long as he has, he needed to have at least met his Sire once. Since then, our revulsion towards each other has grown into full-blown hatred, mine made more fierce when I found out the plans he was in on. I should've killed him as soon as I found out.

"Too bad you can't have her," I spit at him, my blood boiling at the thought of him being with her. She's mine, and that's the way it has always been.

Max smirks and steps closer again. Trying to intimidate me, I think, but all I can think about is the amount of force I'd have to use to break his nose if I were to head-butt it. "I don't know, I was pretty close the night of the party..." Confusing breaks my concentration, and I furrow my brows at him. "It's funny, really, what a bit of false information can do to people. I'm surprised you believed all that 'Worshipper' crap, but I guess you Keepers were never the brightest of the bunch," he says, and I'm still confused. What is he talking about? "I mean, I thought that at least Ridley, if not you would recognise the resemblance between the names. Chase, Jace... it's like it's own art."

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