Chapter 18 - "Delayed Reactions..."

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Chapter 18 - "Delayed Reactions..."

Clara's PoV

'Come on. Let's go clubbing or something?' I mumbled as we staggered back towards Lilly's room loudly at Lord knows what time of the evening.

'I'm tired Clara' she mumbled. 'The effects should have worn off by now. I'm exhausted why aren't you?' She scoffed.

'I spat that stupid drug out. I'm fine but not tired. Now let's play a game' I grinned, rubbing the taps in her bathroom and causing God knows what kind of distraction.

'You didn't take it? Not what you would think right now. Stop throwing toothpaste everywhere' she snapped, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out into the bedroom, forcing me into a the sofa. 'Drink this. It will sober you up' she demanded.

'I'm not thirsty' I whined.

'Drink it Clara else so help me I'll force the came water down your throat' she threatened as I took a huge gulp and collapsed on the sofa. 'If I'd have known you were such a lightweight I wouldn't have taken you' mumbled collapsing on her bed.

- - -

It's safe to say that I didn't have any recollection of the night before, and had absolutely know idea where I was, as I felt really hazy still.

I couldn't even sit myself up on the sofa I felt so bad.

'Here. You should take this. It will help the headache in sure you've got'

I just mumbled, feeling really lightheaded already and swallowed what she handed me not even considering in the moment what she could be giving me but I was pretty sure it was just ibuprofen.

'Do you have any idea how much trouble your going to get me in?' She scoffed.

'Huh?' Was all I managed to stutter out.

'This rooms a mess. Your paying for all this damage' she snapped, as I shut my eyes again, going back into a deep sleep easier than I thought.

- - -

'Is she okay?' Tanya mumbled as she helped Lilly clear up.

'She's fine. Just hungover'

'How long is she staying? I'd quite like to just get all my stuff and it not smelling like sweaty drunks.

'She wouldn't wake up when I nudged her. She really over did it. Must have been her first drink'

'She, is the reason I didn't like sharing with you' Tanya scoffed, dropping the bin bag and climbing the ladder to her bed to stay out the way, as Lilly rummaged through the draws for the tweezers.

'Fuck' she yelled, having real trouble finding the wood embedded in her skin from sliding down the tree trunk.

'You deserve it' Tanya scoffed, burying her head back in a book.

'If you won't do it - I'll get Richard to do it.' She scoffed, storming out of the room and slamming the door.

Tanya was disgusted to be left with Clara still sleeping on the sofa while she was lacking up her last few left behind bits and considered getting a teacher to remove her - but she didn't want to be the one that told people about the drinking on Saturdays nights.

Tanya was your typical 15 year old girl who just wanted to get through the school year without any trouble but she knew sharing with Lilly wasn't going to help.

She sighed jumping down from the bed herself, throwing a look over to Clara who was still pretty motionless on the sofa, about to leave the room when she heard a groan come from behind her.

'Good. Your awake. You can get out of here now' she snapped, not trying to be rude but she didn't want her here any longer.

But when there was no response she turned around to find that Clara was groaning as her body started convulsing collapsing in the floor.

'What the hell?' She cried, suddenly panicking and screaming down the corridor for help. 'Help. Someone quickly. She's fitting. There something happening' she screamed, as the door flung open revealing a few sixth form students who were in the halls and thankfully one of whom was trained in first aid.

She instructed one of the girls to find some teachers and call an ambulance. Quickly.

- - -

Before there was a chance to process any of this for anyone, Lilly returned to her room hand in hand with Richard only to find that it was blocked off with tape.

'What the hell?' Richard scoffed, noticing it as well. 'What's going on? Who'd you kill lil?' He joked, ducking under the tape, only to spot a few teachers and policeman in the corner of the room.

'Mr Madden? Do you by chance have Miss James on you?' Miss Lindsay the head of year asked.

'Why? What's wrong?' Richard mumbled looking suddenly guilty and he had nothing to do with the whole thing.

'We understand Miss Oswald was here last night? She spent the night according your roommate Miss James?'

'She umm. Yeah. She did. She lives here now. We swapped rooms' Lilly pouted because there was no way of getting out of this.

If Clara had ratted her out then there was nothing she could do and they would all be expelled.

'And you were with her?'

'I guess'

'Then we need you to come with us to the police station' the Sargent officer said making Lilly's eyes widen and Richard to jump in front of her.

'Why? I didn't do anything. I swear it was only beer. She didn't do anything else and neither did I' Lilly cried in a whisper, worried now about all this was going to go down and she fully blamed Clara.

The reason she's in this mess is because Clara has obviously ratted her friends and her out.

'Because we have word from the hospital that Clara has had an overdose of something and we don't know what. All the signs are saying that and we just want to know what she has had in the last 24 hours' the inspected smiled not trying to be horrible because she knew that teens did this kind of thing all the time but Miss Lindsay was not impressed.

'I'll get my coat' she scoffed, annoyed obviously that she had to escort Lilly not to the police station when they already had two teachers at the hospital with clara.

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