Chapter Eighty-Eight "The Eve Before"

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As the days passed I felt a tad horrible for ushering Leah out of certain rooms. Her birthday was approaching quickly and I hardly had more than a week to accomplish as much as possible. Even though everyone eagerly helped where they could, this was my project. So as I got everything ready in one room, I quickly declared it off limits. I think Leah started to get excited the more it happened meanwhile Freddie was becoming annoyed saying that he'll be banished to his study soon. I was thankful that Patience came to my rescue, luring Freddie off to clear my path as well as ease his mind. I caught her giving me a most delightful smile as she and Isabella pulled him towards the nursery. I stopped when I felt myself smiling in return, wondering what life would have been like if Patience had always been like this. I shook the idea from my thoughts because if things had not turned out as they have, I would not have met Leah or any of her family.

I deflated a bit thinking of the Edgehills not being here for Leah. I had always been surrounded by my family and remain so. I felt safe within their circles, but my friend had not the same experiences. Remembering how Lady Edgehill fawned over me, I thought it would only be the same, if not more grand, when it came to her own daughter. Yet I saw her push Leah aside too many times to feel bad for her not being included now. Thomas, well, he never seemed to give her a moment's thought. But Lord Edgehill, he called her his princess and it was obvious that he adored her, his "quiet, little Leah." A small bubble of laughter rose from me as I recalled those conversations, the happy times that inspired them. Unfortunately it was short lived, as my thoughts flowed to Isaac. Leah had sought him out and together they concocted a scheme to be reunited. He was the older brother that she should have always had, the one she deserved. I recalled the look on her face when he first kissed me, and I felt myself fall into a chair remembering more of that kiss.

The night before the party Owen was helping me hang some decorative ribbons and flowers in the library, where we would keep all of her presents. "Miss Woodbridge," his voice was low but confident, "you are doing a remarkable job putting this together."

"Thank you," I smiled as I took a look around the room, "I've never done this myself before. Do you think she'll like it?"

He took a step closer to me, locking his eyes on mine as I turned, not aware he was so close, "Of that, I am sure." I let a nervous laugh escape as he took my hand, placing a bit of ribbon in my palm, "And I wish to thank you for helping me."

"But how did I help you?" I asked looking at the ribbon.

"With a gift for Miss Edgehill," he smiled shyly, bowing his head. "I only hope that it goes over well."

Oh how I wanted to know what it was, but from the sudden aversion of eye contact, I thought it best not to pry. "I am sure it will, Mr. Nassar, as long as it comes from your heart, she will cherish it," I patted his hand and began to leave the room.

"If you c-could do me one favor then?" the words were reluctant to escape.

"If I can," I turned just before reaching the door, wondering what else I could possibly do to help him.

Owen pinned an elaborate bow to his lapel and then looked timidly at me, "Would you ask Miss Edgehill to meet me here?"

It took all of my self control to keep a calm face, "I will tell her at once," I nodded. I turned and did my best to walk at a normal pace when all I wanted to do was to run to Leah's room. Once I was sure that he could not see nor hear me, I took off at an urgent speed that left me breathless by the time I got to Leah's door. "Leah," her name was barely recognizable as I panted it against the wood, tapping three times before I opened the door.

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