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"Kira, how are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you need to talk to someone?" Theo was sitting in front of on his large large designer couch. I was still in sort of a trance from all the events that occurred earlier. All of this is happening all at once and I honestly have nothing to say.

Theo and Lain were still trying to talk to me after we got back from my apartment. Lain was in the middle of sowing up his own wound. I hadn't said a word about Lain touching me in the car but I so badly wanted to scream and tell Theo that his brother creeps me out. It's a weird feeling. Just last week I thought Lain would be my new gay best friend but it turns out he's a straight psycho path. How refreshing?

"Kira, do you want me to go wake up your sister." I looked up at Theo and shook my head lightly. Not only did I have a traumatic day but so did Kaihe and Raven. Apparently they were being stalked by the same guys who tried to shoot Lain and I. How did I get myself into this mess?

"How about we get you to bed and we can talk about this another time, yeah?" Lain wrapped gauze around his calf. It made me sort of sick to know that Lain must be use to digging bullets out of his skin and stitching himself.

"Yeah, I think that would be good." I rose up from the couch, turning my back on the two. Making my way upstairs I ignored the eyes burning into my back. I remembered Theo's house vaguely as I walked through the giant hallway. Pictures of him and his family were scattered across the walls along with random coffee tables and decorative plants. His was far from plain but I guess that's expected of Americas top designer.

I continued down the hall in search of one of the many guest rooms Theo showed us. This hallway literally goes on forever. Why does his estate need to be this big? I rounded the corner nearly running into the tall body that is Nicole. Sometimes I just forget about her, she's is so unimportant.

"Oh, hey." She looked a little surprised to see me. Then all of a sudden she tackled me in a hug.

"What's happening?" I voiced to her. She just hugged me tighter not showing any signs of letting me go. I bit my lips scared to hug her back. But I went out of my comfort zone and lightly patted her back.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that today. Theo told me everything." I internally rolled my eyes. Theo cant keep a damn secret. Instead of protesting I just let her hug me and poor her heart out to me. I was honestly over everyone treating me like I'm so fragile. Yeah, someone shot at me but I'm not bitching about it. I just want to sleep and forget about this day.

"I know we aren't the best of friends but I hope that you living here will be a start?" She released the hug, grabbing onto my shoulders. She was staring at me with tears in her eyes. Whatever she just told me, I missed the whole story because I had no idea she had the emotions to cry. I wanted to tell her no for how rude she has been to me over the time span that we've known each-other but I decided against it. Mainly because I was feeling the regret from kissing on Theo. He seemed so in love with her when I stared at the pictures on the wall and now I'm feeling like a home wrecker.

"Yeah, that would be good I guess." I would just have to keep my distance with Theo. I can live here and not let my sexual tendencies interfere. At least I think I can.

"Good, we can talk some more later. you look exhausted." She cackled playfully slapped my arm but I could tell this girl worked out. My arm was stinging as she walked past me down the hall.

"Ow." I began lightly rubbing my shoulders as I made my way to the guest rooms. I jiggled the door noticing that it was locked. How the hell do I get in? I jiggled it some more, nothing. So, I decided to reach up on my tippy toes and feel the door frame for a key. Nothing again, where am I going to sleep? I turn around to go get Theo and tell him to unlock the door so I can rest but when I turned around I saw him leaning against the wall with my bags. How did I not hear him?

"Looking for this." He held out a long golden door key. Hesitant I slowly placed my hand in his to retrieve the small key but his large hand clasped on to my wrist and pulled my body against his. Oh boy, how am I suppose to stay away from him if he does things like this?

"I missed you today." His cheek pressed against mine as he nuzzled his nose into my hair and down my neck. Oh my god.

"Back up." I shook my head. This was wrong. I literally just got done talking to his fiancé and not to forget I did make out with him in an elevator. There's such thing as boundaries and I've crossed over all of them. First sleeping in my new bosses house and now I'm semi-hooking up with him.

"What's wrong." He leaned back rubbing my arms. I shimmied away knowing if he were anymore closer to me something bad might happen.

"I think it would be best if we kept our distance and maintain on a professional level of relationship." I gulped down my saliva. Why was I so nervous to talk to him? I wasn't this nervous when I was hoeing around with him in the elevator.

"I think this is a little more than professional since you are staying in my house." Putting his long strong arm he leaned against the wall behind me.

"Theo please." I pushed him again but this time he made no effort to move. His face changed from flirtatious to hard in a split second.

"Why are you acting this way? You were into me yesterday." I paused for a second. He should know that this is wrong already why should I have to explain it to him?

"We can't do this anymore." I whispered gesturing between the two of us. I turned around forgetting I had no key.

"Open the door please." I mumbled. Before I could move out of the way, his arm reached in front of me turning the key into the handle. He opened the door but not before blowing air into my ear.

"Goodnight." He whispered. Then kissed the back of my head. I closed my eyes in frustration. Mainly because he was making me nervous.

I'm giving myself 2-3 weeks and I'm leaving this place. Virginia is my home and I think it's time to go back.

Holy cow, I did not know its been a month since I've updated. College is no joke guys. Since I'm almost done with this semester I'm going to try and finish this story and possibly work on the next. Do you all have any suggestions of what kind I should do?

Thank you for reading| Kira😘

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