Chapter 5

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I'm soooo sorry for not updating in a while but..... here it is! a new chapter! :)


Chapter 5: Amy P.O.V.

They're gone.

It felt like my heart was torn out of my chest. I went up to my parents and started sobbing, giving them one last hug I ran to my brothers room.

" Jonah? Michael?. Oh no"

They were laying lifelessly in their bed, I went to Mellisa's room and found her in a corner, it looked like she was still breathing.

" Melissa" I screamed as i ran to her taking out my phone and calling 911. It felt like she had a faint pulse.

"Please stay with me, Please Melissa please!" she is only a little girl. Why would anybody do this?

" Amy?? Are you ok? Where are you?" I heard Dr.Reid from downstairs

"I'm upstairs, Please come I need you!" I said between sobs

With in seconds Dr.Reid ran upstairs and and helped me stabilize the blood coming from Melissa.

the paramedics came rushing in just then and stared to check Melissa'a vitals and rushed her to the hospital

Dr.Reid came to comfort me, I could tell that he wasn't used to doing that because it took a minute of him trying to figure out which way to caress me that he finally let me just cry into his shoulder.

"ssssshhh it's ok Amy" 

" No its not Dr.Reid, My whole family has just been taken from me and you expect it to be ok?" I said exasperated.

Just then I remembered the note and rushed to grab it our of my purse and read it.

                                         YOU'RE NEXT

Those people before were a distraction, I set this all up so that you can find that man in the park. So that I can take away the only thing that you would live for. Your family was easy, but your the one i'm looking for. Watch your every step as I'm one step in front of you.


                                      You know who ;)

I completely broke down then and ran to the car. Dr.Reid trailed behind me with my stuff and without a word started to drive. As we drove my mind was spinning and I was getting tired from all of my crying.

As we hit another red light I spoke up and said. " What now?"

" Well first off we need to get you cleaned up and get you some rest then i will have to talk to you about some things in the morning. Don't worry we'll catch this guy" He said just as he pulled in to a parking spot.

Reid P.O.V.

"Well this is it" I said hesitantly.

Amy walked in and grabbed her stuff stopping only to ask where the bathroom was and went to wash up.

I was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee thinking when Amy came and sat beside me

"When will I be able to see Melissa?" she asked

" I just called the hospital and they said that she's in surgery and might not wake up for a few days. But we will go see tomorrow morning." I said while watching her face drop

"Want some?" I asked pointing to my coffee

"Ummm well I don't really like coffee. Do you have any tea?" she said 

"Ya sure" I got up to get some but then remembered something "There's no guest room so you can sleep in my room and I will sleep on the couch, I usually do anyways."

"No, I don't want to take your room" she replied

"Don't worry about it I barely sleep in there anyways, oh and how do you take you tea?"I said poking my head out of the kitchen

"Black please. I have an idea because I feel bad taking your room, what if we share the bed but you sleep with your blanket and I'll use the one I brought?" She said hesitantly

"I'm not to sure about that, but if your comfortable with it then it can be possible. Oh and you can call me Spencer or whatever you would like." I was about to walk back into the kitchen when she said

"Spence, I like Spence".


Sooo I'm having some trouble casting Amy and I would love some suggestions, Please!

What do you guys think of the story so far? I'm open to any suggestions if you have any.

Thank you SOOOO much for reading!!

Emylee <3

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