Chapter 18

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{POV Laura}

"RISE AND SHINE MYLADY!" I hear someone say when the door opens. Harry. "Oh." He says when he sees me being on my phone. "What?" I ask him. "It's 7:14am. My alarm went off at 7am." "I just didn't expect you to be on your phone already." "Well," I say. "Sometimes things that you don't expect to happen, happen." He rolls his eyes at me. "I still think you should talk to him, but who am I you know?" "Right. Now leave, so I can change in some decent clothes." "Okay, see you in 10 minutes." "Make that 40 and we have a deal." "20." "35." "30." "Deal." "Deal." I smile and Harry walks out of my room and closes the door behind him.

"I'm ready." I say when I walk downstairs. "Good, we got to go soon." Harry says when he walks out of the kitches. "Where are the others?" I ask him when I look around me. "Well, Niall, Liam and Louis study musictechnology and that doesn't start today but tomorrow. So that leaves us 5, but Amelia and Romy are going later since Art class doesn't start till 11am." "Then why are you awake?" "I'm always awake this early, but you wouldn't known because you always sleep in." I laugh. "True." "So I took it as my job to give you a ride to college." "Thanks. That's really sweet." "It's okay. We just have to wait for Elice because you are both studying animal care right?" I nodd. "Yea, speaking of Elice, where is she?" "Well, we made a deal too about when she should be downstairs but she started at 50 minutes. She will be here in 5 minutes I think." I laugh, "typical Elice though."

"Here it is!" Harry says when he stops the car where Elice and I are in. "College. Have fun on your first day girls." "Thanks Harry." "Yea, thanks. I'll see you tonight!" Elice says, and then Harry drives away.

We are lucky we have had an introductionday already. If not, we would probably be lost here. College is so huge. "We're here." Elice says. "We're even 5 minutes early." "Those could've been 4 minutes longer in my bed." "Shit." "So uhm.. How are Niall and you?" "We're good. What about you and Liam?" "Well, we're not." "Ugh you really shou-" "uhm hey, is this the right class for animalcare?" A boy that's our age interrupts us. "Yes, it is." I say smiling at him. He's a tall brunette with green eyes. He's cute. "Okay, thank you.. Uhmm.." "Laura." I say. "Thank you Laura." "No problem." "I'm Kyle." "I'm Elice." Elice says. "Well Kyle, nice to meet you." I say. "Do you know any people here?" "Well, my best friend is at this class too, but he's flying out today so he will be here tomorrow." "Cool! Where are you from?" "We are both from Sweden." "Really? Same!" I say smiling. "Wow that's so cool!" And then the bell goes. We all walk in and there are more people walking their way to the door. I do reconize some people from the information day but not all of them. We take a seat and Kyle takes one next to me.

"Welcome Students." A man in front of the class says. "We had this whole introduction for you all today, but mrs. McVilein got sick this morning. That means today won't be long."

The man in front didn't lie. It's 9:30am when we walk out of the classroom. We started at 8. "Sooo, I'll see you tomorrow?" Kyle says. "Yes, you will." I say. He gives me and Elice a hug and then he leaves. "You like him." Elice says. "What?? Pfffft, I do not. He's just cute." "You better not like him. You have Liam." "No I don't?" "Yes you do." "Ugh, lets go home." "How are we going home?" "Walking. Duh. It's not that far." "Okay."

We are walking when a black car stops next to us. The window goes down. It's Niall. "You girls need a ride home? We just got back from the supermarket." "Uhm sure." Elice says when she walks over to the passenger side and opens the door. I open the back door when I see Liam in the back. "Actually, you know what? I will walk. I need some extra sports now I won't have time for that anymore." "Laura, please step inside." I hear Liam say. "No, I'm good." I say when I slam the door and walk away from the car.

I'm walking further when I see the car drives past me and stops next to me again. Liam steps out of the car and then the car drives away. Ok. Great.

"Laura, before you start to shout, please listen to me." I start walking faster but ignore him. "I'll take that as a yes." "Take it as a no." I say then. "What have I done wrong?" Liam says as he tries to keep up with me. In a split second I don't walk anymore. "What have you done wrong? Uhm well, maybe we had this special connection. I don't know what we were but we had something going on. You told me you liked me but I went upstairs to talk my best friend who was hurt by Niall because he only KISSED someone and you understood why she was mad. But then I come downstairs to find out some hoe gave you a BLOWJOB, and you ask ME what you have done wrong? Liam, I'm done. I really am." I say when I walk away. "Laura." Liam says when he takes my hand to not let me go. "You have to know that doing that was my biggest mistake ever. But the fact I like you isn't. I really like you Laura and I made the biggest mistake of my life, by letting my hormones take over my heart and brains. But that wasn't the biggest mistake of my life because Romy did it, it is the biggest mistake because now I lost you. And I don't want to lose you. You're my babygirl." He says the last sentence soft with some tears in his eyes. "Liam.. Don't cry. But please let me go." "I lost you, didn't I?" "I... I have to think Liam. Please let me go for now." "For now." He says when he lets go of my hand. I turn around and walk away. I just think I made one of my biggest mistakes ever.

[poor Liam]

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