Things that panic the signs

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Aries- Being judged for who they are

Taurus- psychos

Gemini- heights/ distance

Cancer- running out of toilet paper

Leo- losing your phone

Virgo- relationships/ dating

Libra- spiders

Scorpio- Being single

Sagittarius- getting bad grades

Capricorn- drowning

Aquarius- exercise

Pisces- Being alone

Confession time!

so, mine fits me well because I don't act myself around some of my friends. Because some of those friends are really really judgemental, I don't say what I really feel, what I think or what I would do. That judgemental friend still thinks that I like the same stuff that I did when I was in 6 grade! And I'm in 9th now. I'm so afraid of being judge by her and everything.

But there's that one friend of mine that I can say what I want. And that friend is my sister and my bitch.

Okay so confession time is over.

But I really think that Leo's is everyone's. Of losing Your phone.


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