Model time

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Nicole's POV:

So it was a meeting sort of thing so obviously i had to wear something sensible so i chose this;

"Babe i think we should stay in and get you out of that dress" Justin whispered in my ear from behind.

"Nope" I told him as i span round "Are you ready?"

"Yes" He groaned.

"Your the one that got me here why so grumpy?"

"Becauseyou look so hot in that dress i just want you right now"

"Sorry Bieber" I giggled and walked out the door and down the stairs.

"Good luck" Everyone was shouting. 


So i had this interview to go through, it took ages, Justin was getting bored waiting, he was on his phone most of it. "I'll be right back" He told me before he walked off. Strange?

Justin's POV:

I was so bored in there so i decided just to walk around, getting noticed every corner i went round, it got quite annoying. Accidently i bumped into a girl, only when she looked up and i saw her face i knew who it was she, just stared at me.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me. No way was she a model here.

"Nicole" I muttered.

"Oh, will i be working with her then?" She smirked, shit.

"Your nothing anymore, without Jason your nothing"

"That bitch killed my boyfriend, you think im gonna let it slip?"

"I'll kill you if you really want me too, you back away from us got it?"

"Fuck you" She mumbled before she walked away. "Its not over."

Quickly i scooted off back to Nicole, i must have been gone 20 minutes at the most but she was gone when i got there. "Wheres Nicole gone?" I asked the man.

"Oh i wanted her to try on a few things, shes back there" he pointed to the changing rooms, i walked through, knocking on her door.

"Its Justin" I told her

"Come in" She said, she was sitting on a bench infront of the mirror with nothing on but underwear and a bra. wow.

"Whats wrong?"

"Maybe this isnt for me"

"What do you mean?"

"Look at the other models and then look at me, my body is nothing, i feel stupid"

"Hey dont say that" I said, taking her hands so she stood up so i could properly look at her. "Your body is perfect and far better than the girls out there"

"Your just saying that"

"Fine some of the girls out there, but your perfect and thats the truth" I smiled. "You gonna come out or not?" She nodded.


Nicole's POV:

'You got the job'

Was the only bit on the page i read before i was jumping around the house screaming. "What now?" Justin laughed.

"I got it!" I screamed as he picked me up, spinning me around and pressing his lips against mine. 

"I told you you'd do it" He smiled. "We should celebrate"

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