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Nick was sitting on the couch, working on some cases for a case that they're trying to hack; which Judy told him to do earlier, but totally stalled and procrastinated.
He was just finishing up some work when he saw a small shadow coming out of his room, which was his fiancé , Judy Hopps; or soon to be Wilde. She was in a button down silky night outfit with shorts. He was amazed by her stunning looks, even when she didn't try. "My, my, you look stunning. Even without any attempts" Nick admired Judy as she was walking over to him, carrying a book. "Yeah, well this bunny cannot sleep." She plopped next to Nick, cuddling him. "Do you want me to read this book? Yeah, you want me to" Nick teased Judy as she giggled "yeah, it always puts me to sleep. That's how boring it is, i swear!" Judy laughed as she handed him the book. "Okay, Mrs.Wilde. If you say so" Nick opened the book and began to read. As always, Judy zoned out at this point. She began to think about Nick and how charming he is. She always skips a breath or two whenever she thinks about him. She knew that she'd done something to him to change his ways, but hasn't touched his personality. And she didn't want to, even if it was someone else.
As Nick continued to read, she slowly fell asleep gently on his chest. Nick yawned and looked at Judy for a bit. Admiring her grace and charm. Her sassiness added a perk, kind of like sweet and sour. Really good, but with a hint of sourness. Still good though.
He lifted Judy up into their bed and got in next to her. They slept until the morning for work.

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