Author's Note - Birthday

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Hello there ladies and gentlemen. Or only ladies, since I've never seen or met a boy who reads fanfiction, at all. Well, besides Mathew, my cousin.

So yes, it is my birthday. Well, not exactly the day this part is being published. In fact, it is on April 18. Quite close, I know.

But if you read back to the chapter wherein Ben reads Kira's and Tempus's profiles, you might see something interesting.

Sorry, Leigh, but I may have rewritten that chapter... Didn't you tell me to change the birthdays? 0.o

Oh, yeah. Well that destroys this author's note's purpose, at least half of it.

But anyway, I am here to announce something. The next update may be late due to my potential traveling for my birthday. Either that, or my parents decide to have a party at home. Gosh, I just remembered the time they forgot it was my birthday and basically had a family reunion. I had to tell them at the end of the day that it was my birthday. But it was cool, I didn't care. I wasn't even that enthusiastic for my birthdays anyway.

So yes, it may come late but don't worry, I won't leave again like I did a long time ago...

Which also reminds me! I started this book on a few days back or after my birthday, so happy anniversary to Psychic!

I would also like to thank you for the votes, comments, and reads. I would have ended this book, which I was actually planning to do a few chapters back (don't ask why), it it weren't for you. Have some virtual cookies, and slices of cake, and maybe some pixel art red wine. I'm oddly in a good mood today because of cleaning my room. I feel like Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan!

Anyway, good night, or morning. Whatever time it is at where you are, have a nice one!

 Whatever time it is at where you are, have a nice one!

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(And it needs some cleaning, too...)

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